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RUSH: One month ago, Hillary Clinton gave an unhinged interview to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. She said Democrats can’t be civil with Republicans.

According to the bitter, angry, two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton, Republicans deserve to be treated with incivility, because they’re trying to destroy the things Democrats stand for.

Mrs. Clinton said if Democrats win back Congress, then they might become civil again.

On Monday, a sycophant Hillary aide tried to score some points, demonstrating his incivility.

Philippe Reines huffed and puffed on Twitter. He warned President Trump he wasn’t facing Obama or Hillary on Election day, but that the entire nation was rendering judgment on his presidency. Reines summed up his bitter, angry comment by telling President Trump: ”You’re f’ed.”

Look. Reines isn’t known for his brains. He doesn’t understand that when Democrats get their way, they’re not “f’ing” Trump. They’re “f’ing” America!
And that’s the whole point. We don’t want to be “f-ed” by the democrats.

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