New Polls Show Voters Rejecting Trump Targets

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 25,2018

RUSH: To the midterm election news. Just to repeat, Ronna McDaniel, who is the chairwoman of the GOP had a tweet. This is last night about 8:30. “New polls show voters are rejecting Chuck Schumer’s Democrat allies in Senate races all across the country.” How about this? “New Polls Show Voters Are Rejecting Trump Targets.” Ha-ha-ha! How about that! You don’t like that? “New Polls Show Voters Are Rejecting Trump Targets.”

Anyway, here we go. North Dakota, Cramer +16. This is Heidi Heitkamp. She’s in deep doo-doo. Deep doo. She blew it on the Kavanaugh vote, she then blew it in the Kavanaugh aftermath, and then she released the names of women who had reported they’d been sexually abused who wanted anonymity! I mean, she blew it big time. In Missouri, Josh Hawley +7 over Claire McCaskill. That’s above, +7 over Claire McCaskill. This is as of last night at 8:30. That’s outside the margin of error now. I know: Race that was tied two weeks ago.

Even when it was tied conventional wisdom was that Claire, being the incumbent, and the money and the private jet, and everything that voters didn’t know about had it basically locked down. But now Hawley is +7. He’s a great candidate, by the way. He’s a fabulous guy, just would be such an improvement, not just for Missouri but for United States and the United States Senate as well. (interruption) Well, I know. Snerdley is saying if they lose the seat in Missouri they can’t win a majority.

Do you think they’re still in the running to win a majority in the Senate? I mean, all the smart money, including the dumb money on the Democrat side is conceding that the Democrats don’t have a chance to win the Senate now. But I guess like the bombs, we shouldn’t comment until we know for sure after Election Day. In Nevada, Dean Heller +6. You know, this one’s been nip and tuck. We were supposed to lose Nevada! Nevada was gone until the Trumpster went there. In Texas Ted Cruz is +5, which is down, actually. This is the only negative note on this list.

Cruz was +7. Now he’s +5. In Indiana, Braun is +4 over the Democrats. In West Virginia… (interruption) Snerdley, you didn’t react to this when I first mentioned this. You might not have heard me. Morrissey is +2 over Manchin. Again, that was… Especially after Manchin got it right on the Kavanaugh vote, I’m telling you, that’s… All of these are really good, and some are quite surprising. The story on Josh Hawley out of Missouri from The Daily Caller:

“Republican Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley took a commanding lead over Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill as a new poll showed the race is finally outside of the margin of error. Hawley is ahead of the Democratic incumbent by 7 points, according to an internal poll from the GOP campaign. Accordingly, 49% of likely voters prefer Hawley while 42% prefer McCaskill, the additional 9 points are spread evenly between undecided voters and third-party candidates.”

“A separate Missouri Scout poll conducted over the same period shows a statistical dead heat in the race between the two candidates. Hawley is barely edging out McCaskill, leading her by only one point…” “Arizona State Troopers Withdraw Kyrsten Sinema Endorsement After Members Object — The Arizona State Troopers Association this week withdrew its endorsement of U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema in the heated U.S. Senate race after members said they weren’t properly consulted on the matter.

“The association, which represents Arizona Department of Public Safety employees and retirees, had endorsed Sinema in the past three federal elections. Sinema, a Democrat, is running against Republican U.S. Rep. Martha McSally,” who is another perfect, just ideal candidate, a great human being. I mean, just decent person, highly achieved, a history-making pilot in the United States Air Force.

“This year, some members told The Arizona Republic that the association’s executive board voted to endorse Sinema without their input. That led the association to send out a poll via email to members asking whether they wanted to endorse Sinema or stay neutral in the Senate race. An email sent by the association to members on Oct. 22, which was obtained by The Republic, says that the recent poll showed ‘the membership has indicated a preference to stay neutral.'”

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