Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Teacher, Teacher
RUSH: Georgetown University Professor Christine Fair went on social media to vent about Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
CNN Panic! Senate, House Races Tightening
RUSH: Could the pollsters once again have it all wrong? Could the pollsters be mistaken or could they be lying to us?
Kavanaugh Smear on Thin Ice, Backfiring on Democrats
RUSH: The New York Times has run a story saying that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice on a fellow bar patron back in his days at Yale.
The Turtle Takes Charge! And DiFi Squawks
RUSH: I say, "Somebody has gotta stand up and stop this." Shut it down, because it isn't going to stop.
A Report from Trump’s Johnson City, Tennessee Rally
RUSH: The reality on the ground in Johnson City or any of the others can't be denied. The evidence is there for one and all to see.
Here’s Why I Led with NAFTA Yesterday
RUSH: The Washington establishment, the exact people Trump ran against, the exact people Trump defeated, NAFTA was their baby.
Democrats: The Party of Psychological Disorders
RUSH: Dr. Carol Christine Fair? Anybody heard of her? Let me tell you who she is. She is an associate professor in the security studies program at Georgetown.
Cartoonist Who Smeared Me in 1995 Does It to Kavanaugh
RUSH: It's the same cartoonist, 1995 to today. It's just vile. It's filthy. It's dirty. It's disgusting. It's despicable. And it's sick.
The Curious Case of Dr. Ford’s Uptalker Voice
RUSH: How many 53- or 55-year-olds do you hear speaking that way?
Swetnick’s Story Unravels on NBC
RUSH: They can't corroborate anything she said! They're trying as hard as they can! They can't find any evidence that what she's saying is true.
Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.