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Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Sep 12, 2018


“The two primary media narratives today: Obama is responsible for the great economy and Trump is responsible for Hurricane Florence.”

“The radicalism that we’re seeing on the left is rapidly becoming authoritarianism or totalitarianism, and it manifests itself with censorship, weaponizing government agencies, the mass production and distribution of propaganda.”

“There’s something that always happens during these hurricanes, and that is that Media Matters for America takes something that I say way out of context, and they tweet it, and then the rest of the Drive-Bys see it, and then they run with it.”

“These people on the left are making a beeline for freedom of speech, and they’re going to find a way to deny it to you and anybody that they can — and they’re not above using violence and threats to do so.”

“There is a potential catastrophe here with Hurricane Florence, and the Drive-By Media is focused on making sure everybody blames it on Donald Trump. It’s beyond rational comprehension.”

“It is stunning to me how many people are absent common sense, for whatever reasons. You don’t need to go to school for common sense. You need to go to school for knowledge. But not common sense, intuition.”

“Weather forecasting and the meteorological society is practically dominated now by leftist people with a political bent who believe in climate change. So in many cases big storms like this are happily accepted because they help prove a political point.”

Daily Wire: Washington Post: President Trump Responsible For Hurricanes!
NewsBusters: GMA Tries, Fails to Get FEMA to Bash Trump Response to Hurricane Maria
Washington Post: Middle-Class Income Hit an All-Time High of $61,372 Last Year, U.S. Census Bureau Says
Investor’s Business Daily: Study: The Obama Recovery Is A Myth
AP: ‘Big and Vicious’: Hurricane Florence Closes in on Carolinas
CBS: ‘This One Really Scares Me’: Nat’l Hurricane Center Director On Florence
UKDM: Incredible Footage Shows the Moment a Research Plane Flies Into the Eerily Calm Eye of Hurricane Florence as the Monstrous Storm Rages Toward the Carolinas
Washington Post: Another Hurricane is About to Batter Our Coast. Trump is Complicit
Washington Post: If Trump Cares About Hurricane Florence, His Policies Don’t Show It
New York Post: Massive Stockpile of Bottled Water Found in Puerto Rico a Year After Maria
Breitbart: San Juan Mayor: ‘Vain’ Trump Calling Puerto Rico Hurricane Response a Success Is ‘Despicable’
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Las Vegas Professor Shot Himself in Arm to Protest Trump
Daily Wire: Democratic Socialist Threatens To Shoot Up MAGA Event At Trump Hotel, Report Says
PJ Media: ‘Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet
Daily Caller: Wyoming GOP Office Set On Fire Less Than Two Days After Opening Police Say It Was Intentional
CBS: Castro Valley Man Accused Of Switchblade Assault On GOP Congressional Candidate
Washington Post: Category 6? Climate Change May Cause More Hurricanes to Rapidly Intensify
Investor’s Business Daily: U.S. CO2 Levels Drop Again — So Why Aren’t Green Groups Rejoicing?
ClimateDepot: USA Is Now The Largest Global Crude Oil Producer – Surpasses Russia and Saudi Arabia
SaraCarter.com: Page and Strzok Texts Reveal They Discussed Writing a “Folksy” Op-ed on Russia
ZeroHedge: Google Was “Working To Get Hillary Clinton Elected” With “Silent Donation” According To Leaked Internal Email
FOXNews: ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Hurricane Florence to be a ‘Mike Tyson Punch to Carolina Coast’
The Wrap: Ousted CBS CEO Les Moonves to Get No Severance ‘At This Time,’ $20 Million to Go to #MeToo Groups
Hollywood Reporter: ’60 Minutes’ Chief Jeff Fager Steps Down
Washington Free Beacon: Kerry Meeting With Iran to Salvage Nuke Deal With Rogue Diplomacy. Shadow Diplomacy Aids Iran’s Regional Pursuits


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:





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