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RUSH: I try to remain focused on the big picture, as opposed to getting caught up in all the daily minutiae. Now, it’s hard not to get caught up in it, but getting caught up in the daily minutiae almost requires a posture of defensiveness because the daily minutiae, when I say minutiae, I just mean there’s so much of it. It’s not irrelevant or unimportant. The ongoing effort to drive Donald Trump out of office intensifies each and every day, and that’s what I’m talking about.

And there are so many different spokes in that wheel. And they are triggered and activated every day. And it literally, I think it becomes futile to try to every day keep up with each spoke that the Drive-Bys and the Democrats and the Washington establishment on working on, to try to refute them. Because you can simplify this, and you can really cover much more ground and be much more explanatory about what is going on.

Now, don’t misunderstand. I’m not gonna abandon the minutiae. There are just days — like right now CNN is totally devoted to a statement that Trump said flipping ought to be outlawed. They’ve got an entire panel going on that.

Now, if you don’t understand Donald Trump, if you don’t understand that he’s a stream-of-consciousness guy, if you don’t understand that he’s not a studied, professional, fake politician who poll tests everything he says before he says it, if you don’t understand that and you still attempt to try to place Donald Trump in the system that the Drive-Bys and the establishment have set up and demand that everybody in it accede to, Trump is always gonna look like an oddball. He’s always gonna look like he doesn’t belong.

And that really is the key. So here’s a guy, he just had a guy who has worked for him for years flip on him. He just had a guy totally cave. Now, I will guarantee you that you or me or anybody else having experienced that — and imagine that five times a day for the entire year and a half you’ve been in office. I dare say that the vast majority of us cannot understand what it is to be Donald Trump every day. We just expect that he’s gonna stay focused. We expect that he’s gonna keep pushing back. We expect that none of this stuff is gonna affect him and his focus on the agenda. And because that’s our expectation, we think that all this stuff rolls off his back and it doesn’t bother him. That Donald Trump can take care of himself.

But this ignores something that is very important. Donald Trump’s a human being like all of us are. And he’s not superhuman. He’s not inhuman. He’s not immune from the kind of things that people who turn on him do. He’s not immune to feeling anger or sorrow or whatever emotion he has over it. My point is, here’s Trump flipping ought to be illegal.

CNN is devoting a full segment to how that statement proves that Donald Trump is insane, not mentally balanced, dangerous, really underqualified, really has no business being in the White House, has no business being president of the United States, who says things like that? Who says flipping ought to be outlawed?

And of course the Never Trumpers on our side are having the same. They need the vapors. “Oh, my God. Look at the manners, so unsophisticated, and, oh, my God. Look at the lack of character.” But is Donald Trump that unqualified? Let’s take a look, folks. There is a political party in this country, there is a mainstream media in this country, and there is an entire Washington establishment consisting of a whole lot of people who are cheering for the following.

They are cheering for a former secretary of state who mishandled virtually every electronic communication that passed through her office for four years. They are cheering for Hillary Clinton to get away with the serial crimes that she committed throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. They are cheering a former secretary of state, a former first lady to get away with countless illegalities, including a massive pay-for-play scheme revolving around her foundation.

They are cheering for a woman who was selling access, policy access to her administration before she was even elected. They are cheering the kind of financial illegalities that Donald Trump cannot even approach having committed. In addition, they are cheering a senator who lied about her heritage for career advancement.

This would be Fauxcahontas Warren. They are openly cheering a senator who lied about her heritage for career advancement and who openly admits she doesn’t care that an American woman was murdered by an illegal immigrant. They are cheering that woman.

The Democrat Party, the Drive-By Media, the Washington establishment are cheering a rogue special counsel operating way beyond constitutional limits with a team of conflicted partisan hacks who are on a mission to overturn a duly constituted election! There is a political party, the mainstream media and the Washington establishment — which is really all the same — who are cheering the concept of a fourth super branch of government called the special counsel, who sits in daily judgment of the president of the United States.

They are cheering an arrangement which does not exist in the U.S. Constitution. They are cheering former FBI and Department of Justice officials who serially abused power in an effort to choose the president of the United States. That would be Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, McCabe, Comey; you fill out the names.

They are cheering a teenage Camera Hogg that does a remarkably accurate portrayal of a vulgar fascist when he’s on television. And they are cheering a stunningly ignorant self-proclaimed socialist Millennial said to represent the future of the Democrat Party.

These same people who are cheering all of that are depressed by, are threatened by, and wish it wasn’t happening, a robust economy, a strong military, adherence to the rule of law, the reestablishment of America preeminent in trade around the world, an America establishing secure borders to prevent the wanton murder of innocent American citizens by illegal immigrant gang members.

In other words, this cabal of people, which every day has set itself up in judgment of Donald Trump and has determined he’s unfit, he’s unqualified, he has no business being in office and we need to do everything we can to throw him out of office, have no desire whatsoever to try to take any credit for the rebirth of the U.S. economy. They have no desire whatsoever to try to take any credit or participate in or even look like they support the rebirth of the U.S. economy.

The rising standard of living of millions of Americans, the newfound job and career opportunities for millions of Americans, the lowest historical unemployment rate among African-Americans, one of their big constituent groups, they’re not interested in how well they’re doing. They want to cover that up. They want to bide it.

The big picture is that the man who is responsible for an American rebirth, his administration responsible for a growing economy that all of these other experts said was not possible and that Trump should be really, really, really careful about promising a 3% growth rate, that’s misleading people, that’s setting ’em up for being disappointed, he shouldn’t do this, while we’re at 4.1% economic growth.

So, again, it’s like redefining smart. Who is it that’s really unqualified here? So Donald Trump sits up there and says, “I think we maybe need to have a law against flippers,” and that is added to the list of other things Trump says and does that convinces all these people that he’s got to be sent packing. He simply isn’t qualified.

And yet in a year and a half, Donald Trump has turned around areas of the United States that these people have given up on, has turned around the United States and has elevated economic and career opportunity and contentment and happiness for more Americans than any president in our memory since Ronald Reagan!

But that doesn’t matter to these people. So they focus on all of this stuff that Trump, of course, will never measure up to because he’s not one of them. He doesn’t think like they do. He doesn’t talk like they do. He doesn’t want to fit in like they do. They say his character is questionable. And yet all of these things that they couldn’t do, all of these vast improvements, policy changes, significant improvement in the standard of living of more Americans than we’ve seen in 40 years, 35 years, and these people want no part of it.

They say the guy doing this has to go. And why? Well, look at how he talks about this guy, Cohen.


RUSH: Folks, this kind of stuff is happening I don’t know how many times a day. It simply is impossible to sit here and refute it all. That’s all we would be doing. But to sit here and refuse it all would be to accept the premise, and the premise behind all of this that I’m calling minutia today, the premise behind it is that Trump is unqualified, unjustified, does not deserve to be in office and that in fact the best thing for America would be to get him out of office.

It’s now even extending to the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh and the Democrats are back to saying what I originally predicted would happen, that no confirmation hearings should happen, and now the Democrats are even saying we should cancel all meetings with him. As long as Trump is president, this nomination is unjustified.

Now, I’m sorry. That’s not how the Constitution works. Trump was duly elected, he’s the president, he gets to nominate, Senate gets to advise, consent, confirm, and so forth. But the Democrats are writing a brand-new Constitution each and every day. And the parts they don’t want to adhere to, they’re forgetting, they’re erasing it, and they’re rewriting, such as installing Mueller as a permanent super branch, fourth branch that somehow is justified in daily oversight of Donald Trump. And they’re doing everything they can in their reporting to justify all this is necessary.

But what’s driving all of this is not complicated, and it isn’t minutia. What’s driving all of this is that the votes of 60 million people are seen to not count. They are seen now as irrelevant, and they are seen as forgettable. You and the 60 million others that voted for Trump, your votes don’t count because of the guy you voted for. And so they’re not gonna stop until they exhaust every opportunity at their disposal to get rid of Donald Trump.

It is they who are violating the law. It is they who are abandoning and ignoring the Constitution. It is they who are looking at the all of the robust improvements, economic recovery, and sticking their noses in the air over it and saying it doesn’t matter. They’re saying you don’t matter. They’re saying that Mollie Tibbetts doesn’t matter. She’s just a girl in Iowa. She doesn’t matter. You don’t matter, I don’t, and nobody but them or they matter.

But it’s a full-fledged, daily onslaught from every one of these media outlets. And it’s never ending. It is made up of the most vile, made-up, irresponsible stuff, rooted in one thing: Donald Trump’s not qualified. Donald Trump had no business winning. They can’t explain how he won, so they’re trying to convince people he cheated. They don’t have any evidence for any of the allegations they’ve made. They never will find any evidence for it.

So it boils down to the fact they don’t want Trump in the White House, they don’t like that Trump won, and since that’s the case, they should have the right to get rid of him. And all of you should just stand aside and watch it happen, or support it. I think that’s what people need to be reminded of, rather than getting caught up in all of the little allegations made against Trump, such as his comments about thinking that we need to get rid of flippers.

Trump says things that seasoned professional politicians just don’t. How about this. Did you hear what Mitt Romney did? You haven’t heard about this? Mitt Romney tweeted or Facebooked or something that these two convictions, the Manafort conviction and the Cohen thing, restore the rule of law in America and make America great again.

Mitt Romney, standing firmly astride and with Robert Mueller and the rest of this cabal that, in truth, is destroying the rule of law and has created a two-tier justice system. This is why the Republicans never won anything that mattered. This is why Republicans voted for Trump. Mitt Romney siding with Robert Mueller and his renegade band of investigators who are behaving so far outside the Constitution that lies have to be constructed to justify what they’re doing. That’s why.

That’s why there was such anger at Republicans in the Washington establishment, and it’s gonna continue. That kind of sentiment, those kind of statements from establishment Republicans are gonna forever keep them doomed. Because what people are not realizing here, Donald Trump is not the leader of this movement. He’s the beneficiary. He’s benefiting from the fact that it exists. He’s benefiting from the fact that he’s the only guy. They’re never gonna abandon him.

The people that voted for Trump are never going to abandon him. I don’t care what Mueller does. I don’t care what the media does. I don’t care what anybody. They’re never gonna abandon him. You know why? They elected him knowing who he is. And in many cases, they admire who he is. But none of that matters. He is the one person standing in the way of them losing their country. In their minds, that’s what’s at stake.

Mitt Romney doesn’t think that. The Never Trumper conservatives inside the beltway, they don’t think that. America’s not threatened. That’s just paranoid white supremacist talk. But these people’s jobs are the ones that were gone. These people’s kids’ futures were the ones getting dimmer and dimmer. These people and their lives were increasingly ignored and taken for granted and certainly not cared about by people promising to do just the opposite.

Donald Trump is seen as the only thing in the way. That’s why they’re never gonna abandon him. And there’s nothing the media can do to make them abandon him. It isn’t going to happen. They may be coming to realize it, but it’s not gonna deter them. It’s gonna make them even more committed to get rid of Trump. Folks, they can’t wait. The Never Trumper conservatives, the inside-the-Beltway establishment people, the media, they can’t wait for the day, in their minds, they’re dreaming of it, Trump’s gone, and they can’t wait to go on TV and go (raspberry) to you, to 60 million of you. They can’t wait to go on TV and mock you and laugh at you and tell you don’t you ever try this again. They can’t wait to tell you what they really think of you, which isn’t much at all.


RUSH: Half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair. Let’s head to the phones. We’re gonna start, State College, Pennsylvania. Tom, welcome, sir. It’s great to have you here.

CALLER: Hello, Rush, and thank you for taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, sir.

CALLER: I’m retired from the NYPD. I’m born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, as is my wife. And it’s a funny thing about Trump. He’s from Queens. And he hasn’t lost that connection to Queens.

RUSH: No, he’s not. You’re right.

CALLER: And we understand it as Brooklynites. And other people do, too, as yourself. And when he says something like Cohen flipped and it shouldn’t be allowed, we all know instinctively what he’s talking about because we come from that background. And what he’s saying is simply what you’ve said, is that they’re loading up charges on Flynn, on Cohen, only to take some off and leave an option where they either —

RUSH: Well, it’s worse than that. They’re making Cohen claim to have committed acts that are not crimes, they’re getting Cohen to admit that they’re crimes, they’re getting him to allocute before the judge that he committed this crime, that crime, but where they’re having him admit to is not criminal. And if he’ll do that, if he’ll go there and lie, if he will lie that what he did is criminal, then they’re gonna back off on some of the other charges, things that he’s done that could send him away for a very long, long time.

That’s what Trump is talking about. Getting people to lie in order to flip, and lying to them, and pressuring them in order to get them to flip! That’s what he’s talking about being illegal. But you know the cops can now lie to people in interrogations. Supreme Court. If you can get a confession by lying to somebody, go for it. That’s now the law of the land.

CALLER: That’s different from when I was on the job ’til today, and I don’t understand what I see, for the most part, out there. But what I do understand and what I do see clearly is that this is the biggest threat to our nation since I’m born. And I’m a couple years older than you, Rush. I think Trump ought to just go ahead and wait for this midterm to finish and then fire Mueller and fire Sessions and all those useless swamp dwellers up there, because it’s about the future of this country. Nothing less. And I’m not being overdramatic.

RUSH: No. I know you’re not. The people that voted for Trump, it’s exactly why they voted for Trump. You don’t have to explain that comment. And you certainly don’t have to apologize for it. That’s exactly why people did vote for Trump. That’s what the Drive-Bys can’t understand. They didn’t vote for Trump because they think he’s a paragon of virtue. They didn’t vote for Trump because they admire his character, none of that. They knew what Trump was. For crying out loud, the guy survived the NBC Access Hollywood video! They can’t get over that. By the way, they can’t get over that.

Do you realize that would destroy any other Republican president. They had that on Romney? Ho! Can you imagine Romney talking to Billy Bush about where you can grab women and get away with it if you’re a star? Romney would be finished, and any accomplishment he’s had in the past would be taken away from him! But Trump not only survived it, he was elected president! They have fired every weapon in their arsenal that in the past has destroyed and ruined Republicans, and Trump survives and triumphs.

And so they’re looking for new weapons. And they’re mad, and they’re frustrated, at you! That Access Hollywood video, NBC video, that should have disqualified Trump, it should have ended his campaign. Hillary should have been president that night for all intents and purposes. The feminazis are still bothered by it. They’re still talking about it! It still ruins their day when it comes up.

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