Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 2,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Aug 2, 2018


“We’re looking at a generation of people — predominantly leftist young people, Democrat-oriented Millennials — who really ought to be suing somebody to get their education money back. It is astounding, the stupidity.”

“How many times have you known a Republican who will speak out against their own party policy in an effort to woo the media, to get the media to like them, to get the media to say nice things about them — and how many times have you seen it work?”

“Rasmussen poll: 50% of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump’s job performance. So I don’t expect you’re going to see any of this reflected much if at all in the Drive-By Media today. But I wanted to pass it on to you because they’re going to know it. They will notice it. They will process it internally. They will curse it. It will affect the way they go about reporting on Trump today. It will, if possible, ratchet up their hatred.”

Rasmussen: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Gatewat Pundit: President Trump is Now 5 Points Ahead of Barack Obama at a Similar Point in His Presidency
Washington Times: Good News for the GOP
CNBC: Apple Just Hit a $1 Trillion Market Cap
Axios: Ivanka on Paid Family Leave: “Not in This Congress”
FOXNews: Zephyr Teachout, Democrat Running for N.Y. Attorney General, Pledges to Prosecute ICE
Washington Free Beacon: Feds Spend $1.1 Million Creating Apps for Transwomen and Gay Teens With ‘Hooking Up Simulations’
National Review: Newest Member of NYT Editorial Board Has History of Racist Tweets
CNN: Ivanka Trump: Family Separations Issue ‘Was a Low Point’
FOXNews: Mueller Team Lectured by Judge in Manafort Case
ScienceNews: Soccer Headers May Hurt Women’s Brains More Than Men’s
Washington Free Beacon: Acosta: Journalists Should Chant ‘We’re Not the Enemy of the People’ in Front of the White House
Mediaite: Sarah Sanders Refuses to Say Press Isn’t ‘Enemy of the People’ in Jawdropping Clash With Jim Acosta
UKD: I Was Attacked at a Restaurant and Mocked for My Looks and It’s the Media’s Fault Complains Sarah Sanders as She Refuses to Back Ivanka in Saying Reporters Aren’t ‘the Enemy of the People’
Breitbart: NYT: New Hire Sarah Jeong ‘Regrets’ Professing Hate for ‘Dumbass F*cking White People’
FOXNews: Sean Hannity Celebrates 30 Years of ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’
ABC: Trump at Florida Rally: ‘I’m Not Like Other Politicians’
Project Veritas: An Unfair Game: Urban Meyer, a History of Abuse
FOXNews: Manafort Case Judge Warns Mueller Team They ‘Can’t Prove Conspiracy’ Without Star Witness
New York Post: Judge: Stop Saying ‘Oligarch’ in Manafort Trial
FOXNews: Mueller Team Lectured By Judge in Manafort Case
New York Times: Trump Is Putting Indelible Conservative Stamp on Judiciary


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: