San Francisco Registers Illegals to Vote

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 18,2018

RUSH: There’s also this. “San Francisco Begins Registering Illegal Aliens to Vote.” Now, wait. That’s illegal. They are illegal. They are here illegally! They can’t vote. But yet there’s San Francisco doing it. “The Department of Elections in San Francisco on Monday issued voter registration for illegal aliens to allow them to vote for members of the city’s Board of Education in the Nov. 6 election. Becoming California’s first city to allow non-American citizens to vote in local elections, Supervisor Norman Yee said, ‘We want to give immigrants the right to vote.’

“For the record, ‘immigrants’ are people who come to America through the legal process, while ‘illegal aliens’ sneak into the country. In order to vote, the illegal aliens must live in the city, be at least 18 years old and be the ‘parents, legal guardians or caregivers of children under the age of 19 who also reside in San Francisco…'” They have to be 18 years old and be the “parents, legal guardians or caregivers of children under the age of 19.”

How…? If you gotta be 18, how in the hell can be a parent or guardian for somebody that’s under 19? Well, I guess you could. Anyway, this has long been rumored. This follows illegals being given driver’s licenses — which, of course, is halfway. That was me. I said that 15 years ago. The whole point of amnesty and illegal immigration was to eventually register them all as Democrats to vote ’cause the Democrats need a permanent underclass.

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