Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Proud?
RUSH: Less than a third of Democrats say they’re “extremely proud” to be Americans — less than a third — and 74% of Republicans say they are extremely proud to be Americans.
RUSH: Less than a third of Democrats say they’re “extremely proud” to be Americans — less than a third — and 74% of Republicans say they are extremely proud to be Americans.
RUSH: I would suggest everybody fly your flag — be American. Go out and just do what you would normally be inclined to do, but don't be intimidated.
RUSH: Why trust polling data at all? I don't think it's used to reflect public opinion. I think they use it to make public opinion.
RUSH: Amy Coney Barrett, I want to go through a short description of her for you, because the long knives are out. They're trying to destroy her.
RUSH: I'm glad people are gonna get this thing and read it 'cause it is explosive.
RUSH: Did you see Dan Rather's tweet on LeBron James?
RUSH: This, they say, is the female Obama. Well, let's take a look at who both of them actually are, shall we, if we want to really get down deep and analyze this.
RUSH: July 4th 1988 was actually my first show on the New York affiliate, and this program didn't start until a month later. But it was all connected.
RUSH: Nobody knew what to do. Nobody knew how to deal with this. So Bork pretty much was left to fend for himself.
RUSH: Let me tell you who this babe is… She's a teacher at Sidwell Friends. Does that ring a bell with you?
RUSH: How many of you are of the belief that coffee is a killer, that coffee does bad things to your heart, that coffee hardens the arteries?
RUSH: These so-called conservative Never Trumpers, they have worked 30 years to appoint a Supreme Court justice like Gorsuch and like Trump is gonna appoint next week.
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.