Rush 24/7 Morning Update: In The Open: “Abolish ICE”
RUSH: Democrats are saying exactly what they believe. They're not masking it anymore, folks. Law enforcement is the enemy, especially when it comes to illegal immigration.
RUSH: Democrats are saying exactly what they believe. They're not masking it anymore, folks. Law enforcement is the enemy, especially when it comes to illegal immigration.
RUSH: There's no other way to describe this. This is literally nuts, insane, whatever word you wish to describe it.
RUSH: It's four years old. It's from 2014. It's called Licensed to Lie, and it's in depth what happened with the Enron trials and the Ted Stevens prosecution.
RUSH: They know that the radical left is becoming the face of the party.
RUSH: Let 'em keep talking, folks. They're driving the people we want crazy.
RUSH: It's the reason he got elected, and he's not gonna cave on it.
RUSH: Has there ever been a group of people more wrong about their own party?
RUSH: This guy has been exactly, exactly what is wrong with the American media.
RUSH: Here are the top two picks (supposedly) for the Supreme Court, at the top of President Trump's list.
RUSH: Algore is out with a warning that it is getting hot.
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.