Thank You for the Great Store Feedback!

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 19,2018

RUSH:  My friends, I want to spend just a brief minute here thanking a lot of you.  Some of the first orders from the brand-new and updated EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com are getting their stuff, and you ought to see the feedback we are getting.  I mean, some of these people are getting their stuff arrived in one day, even though last week we were offering free shipping.  But, man, it’s music to my ears that you all are commenting on the quality of the stuff that we have made available.

I’m getting such feedback on the caps. You know, I made a big deal of the fact that we got the best New Era caps that we could find at a price point and the polo golf shirts, the T-shirts.  We ran out of the “Believe” T-shirt.  We are convinced that people want to be part of something, so we’ve had to restock a bunch of items already and are in the process of doing that.

But I really wanted to take a brief minute to thank all of you for the great feedback we’re getting.  Because this all happened because of popular demand.  People said, “You haven’t updated the stuff in that store in years,” and I was embarrassed to say they were right.  So we’ve done it now.  It’s at RushLimbaugh.com on the website or in the app.  Check it out, ’cause it’s got some really, really cool, brand-new stuff in it that you are going to be proud of and love.

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