Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 14,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jun 14, 2018


“If the media can find one sentence in this report that they can blow up and say proves that the IG found no evidence that Hillary rigged anything or that Hillary violated Espionage Act or whatever, that’s how they’re gonna highlight this thing.”

“Wolf Blitzer responding to Trump’s tweet says, ‘We’re not the enemy of the American people.’ Wolf, I know you — and, Wolf, you know me — and let me tell you something, Wolf. You may not hate the American people, but you hold average Americans in contempt.”

“When you call people ‘media,’ it immediately conjures up notions of reporters and people gathering news and then reporting it to people who don’t know it. That’s not what we have. We don’t have any media anymore. The media is a left-wing political action committee and group.”

Bloomberg: Comey Broke From FBI Procedures in Clinton Probe, Watchdog Finds
Law & Crime: Mueller Appears to Have Screwed Up by ‘Accidentally’ Exposing Names in Manafort Case
Daily Wire: Department Of Justice Inspector General Report Blasts Comey For Violating FBI Protocol, But Claims No Political Bias
Washington Post: IG Report Criticizes Comey’s Handling of Clinton Probe, Includes Anti-Trump Exchanges Among FBI Personnel
Reuters: New York sues to dissolve Donald J. Trump Foundation
WTOP: Emoluments suit vs. Trump Now Personal as Well as Official
FOXNews: ‘Foreign Actors’ Accessed Hillary Clinton Emails, Documents Show – Catherine Herridge
The Hill: Sessions Defends Firing Comey, Warns DOJ Report Could Prompt More Terminations
Washington Post: Republicans Embrace the ‘Cult’ of Trump, Ignoring Warning Signs
Daily Wire: FBI Agent Said He’d Make Sure Trump Was Never President, Texted ‘We’ll Stop It’
Liberty News: Sen. Tells Fellow Republicans to Stop Whining About Trump Negotiation Style.
Breitbart: GOP Immigration Deal: Potentially ‘Biggest’ Amnesty in U.S. History
National Review: Gowdy Statement on IG Report
CNBC: James Comey Used Gmail for FBI Business When Director Despite Warning Employees Against It: Watchdog
Daily Caller: IG Report: FBI Agents Regularly Received Free Handouts From Journalists
UKDM: ‘We’ll Stop It’: Justice Department Inspector General says Texting FBI Lovers Talked About Keeping Trump from Becoming President – Yet Insists There Was No ‘Political Bias’ in Hillary Clinton Email Probe


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: