Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 11,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jun 11, 2018


“It is amazing to me. We’re now at the almost dead middle of the year and a half mark of the Trump administration, and it just fascinates me how the opponents of Donald Trump have not learned a single thing.”

“Trump got elected on the premise that the way it’s always been done has not been good for America. He’s in the process of reversing this and he is succeeding.”

“Do you know the collective gross domestic product of the G7 countries is less — if you add them all up — than our GDP? And that’s all you really need to know about Trump’s negotiating power. We have a stronger, bigger economy than all of theirs combined.”

Variety: Robert De Niro Says ‘F— Trump’ at Tony Awards, Gets Standing Ovation
Breitbart: Robert De Niro Unloads on Trump: ‘Soulless, Amoral, Abusive, Con-Artist, Son of a Bitch’
Daily Wire: Sharyl Attkisson Posts ‘Definitive List’ Of Media Mistakes In The Trump Era. Here’s The Top 10
Foreign Policy: Two Years Later, No Amnesty for the GOP’s Never Trump Camp
Newsweek: DNC Rule Change May Block Bernie Sanders from Running as Democrate in 2020
New York Post: Twitter CEO Shamed for Eating Chick-fil-A During Pride Month
Daily Caller: Twitter CEO Caves To Liberal Backlash, Says He Was Wrong To Eat Chick-Fil-A
National Review: Bill Maher: ‘Bring on the Recession’ if It Will Remove Trump
National Review: Report: Obama Privately Coaching 2020 Contenders
MarketWatch: Soros on the State of the World: ‘Everything that Could Go Wrong Has Gone Wrong’
New York Post: Credit Service Shuts Down Payments on All Gun Purchases
The Hill: Dem House Candidate Compares Trump to Osama bin Laden
Washington Post: Why Can’t We Hate Men? – Suzanna Danuta Walters
CNN: ‘Fool Trade’: Trump Continues to Rip G7 in Tweetstorm
FOXNews: CNBC Correspondent Muses on Trump’s Mental Health: ‘He Did Not Look Well to Me’
UKDM: ‘This is Deeply Offensive!’ Twitter Users Voice Their Horror Over Google’s New ‘Inclusive’ Salad Emoji, After Designers Revealed they Removed the Egg to Make it Vegan-Friendly
NBC: Death of Kate Spade Shines Light on Suicide
Daily Wire: Did One Of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Eyebrows, Like, Come Off?!
NTK: Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed
BizPacreview: John McCain Viciously Undermines Trump to World Leaders in Absolutely Inexcusable Message to Our Allies


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: