Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - May 31,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

May 31, 2018


“The Famous Quotes tab has been added to the Rush Limbaugh app with a sharing feature. So now everybody can easily tweet or text or email or Facebook all of these Famous Quotes right from your phone — just like the president does!”

“It’s embarrassing to look back at some of the stuff that happened during the Obama years and the stuff we were told.”

“Journalism is where you find things out that people don’t know and you report them. That’s not what journalism is anymore. Journalism has become activism, and it’s radical activism.”

UKDM: Now Trump is quoting Rush Limbaugh on Twitter After the Right-Wing Radio Star Said the FBI Should Have Warned His Campaign About Russian Infiltration
Federalist: Trey Gowdy Didn’t Even See Documents He Claims Exonerate FBI On Spygate: Reports – Mollie Hemingway
National Review: Yes, the FBI Was Investigating the Trump Campaign When It Spied – Andrew McCarthy
Daily Caller: TBS’s Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka Trump ‘Feckless C**t’ – Derek Hunter
FOXNews: Rudy Giuliani: Mueller Probe Should Never Have Taken Place
NBC: Trump Weighs Leniency for Martha Stewart and Blagojevich, Will Pardon Conservative Dinesh D’Souza
NewsBusters: ‘Feckless C**t’: Bee Tells Ivanka to Seduce Her Dad for Immigration Reform
Daily Caller: Sam Bee To Win Award For ‘Advancing Social Change’ After Calling Ivanka ‘Feckless C**t’
The Hill: Trump Quotes Limbaugh: FBI Should Have Warned Trump of Russian Infiltration Efforts
Legal Insurrection: And Now, the Sad Ben Rhodes Election Night Video
RealClearInvestigations: The Maltese Phantom of Russiagate – Lee Smith
NewsBusters: Amid Their Roseanne Firestorm, ABC Whines: Trump Hasn’t Condemned Her Yet!
UKDM: Roseanne Continues Her Twitter Tirade by Saying the Democrats Have Spent the Last 24 Hours ‘Lynching a Jew’ After the Disgraced TV Star Claimed Michelle Obama Ordered ABC President to Fire Her
New York Times: How Trump’s Election Shook Obama: ‘What if We Were Wrong?’
CBS: Samantha Bee Apologizes to Ivanka Trump for Calling Her a Vulgar Slur


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:
