Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Fact Check
RUSH: The Drive-By Media and elected Democrats pretended that Trump called all illegal immigrants “animals.” They knew damn well he was talking about gangbangers of MS-13.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media and elected Democrats pretended that Trump called all illegal immigrants “animals.” They knew damn well he was talking about gangbangers of MS-13.
RUSH: One of the videos that they will have to watch as part of their indoctrination will feature the rapper known as Common.
RUSH: Snerdley walked in today to tell me how great and wonderful, thrilling and reassuring it was to have me back, he said, "You're not gonna believe this."
RUSH: We were all away on a golf trip this weekend, a bunch of us. And dinner Saturday night was outside on a patio at the home of the host.
RUSH: I have more emails, people asking, "Rush, who is this Tommy Robinson guy that they put in jail in the U.K.?"
RUSH: So ABC can can Roseanne, and that's fine and dandy, but the NFL can't say, "We don't want a malcontent like Kaepernick."
RUSH: Donald Trump is serious about making America great again. And whatever he's doing with Kim Jong-un, it's designed to be good for America.
RUSH: Donald Trump is doing what he can to save this league from a deep problem it finds itself in.
RUSH: For you Apple fans, they have released iOS 11.4 for your iPhone and iPad.
RUSH: The Mueller investigation is actually the cover-up. It's an attempt to cover up what these people did.
RUSH: There was never going to be a blue wave. That was every bit a manufactured story, like most of Drive-By Media is.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.