El Rushbo’s Summer Reading Recommendations
RUSH: These are just the books that I'm aware of that I've been dabbling in here, or soon will be.
RUSH: These are just the books that I'm aware of that I've been dabbling in here, or soon will be.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media has the vapors. They can't believe this. And James Comey is tweeting.
RUSH: It's delicious that of all people, to expose this incontrovertibly, it's Maude Behar.
RUSH: There's no other way to look at this other than a complete Donald Trump victory.
RUSH: When the media thinks I really need a comeuppance, they cite that monologue on April 1st, 1991.
RUSH: This has been a bugaboo of mine for I can't tell you how long.
RUSH: I'm making a brilliant, brilliant, satirical point here, folks. I am nuking everything they are trying to twist this narrative into being each and every day.
RUSH: Did you see this guy on TV?
RUSH: The on-the-ground politics are now in Trump's favor, and the left is looking more and more insane with each passing day.
RUSH: I remember when I left New York in 1997. I was very publicly honest about why. I was fleeing what were confiscatory taxes. v
RUSH: The First Amendment does not give you the right to be heard. The First Amendment says the government can't stop you from saying what they don't like.
RUSH: I referred to this yesterday, and I'm now reminded that I never answered my own question.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.