Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Open Borders
RUSH: A homeless guy told reporters he decided to illegally enter Governor Jerry Brown’s residence because the governor is an open-door-policy kind of guy.
RUSH: A homeless guy told reporters he decided to illegally enter Governor Jerry Brown’s residence because the governor is an open-door-policy kind of guy.
RUSH: This is a guy who is just a campaign assistant, he's been destroyed. He never wants to work in Republican politics again. That's the purpose of this.
RUSH: Remember, Cohen's office has been raided. The Southern District of New York, the U.S. attorney has everything that Cohen had.
RUSH: I think as this has gone on more and more people are starting to get literally outraged over all of this. I mean, at its most elementary, this is the epitome of unfairness.
RUSH: I've been waiting for this. I have been waiting for this, and here it is, from Us Weekly
RUSH: These people are literally trying to upend the United States Constitution, to subvert it or to go around it, and they're attempting to establish that the president, by firing Comey, has obstructed justice.
RUSH: Charlie Rose, 27 more women have come forward to say that Charlie did the nasty against their will.
RUSH: She's got another excuse for losing, that she was not socialist enough, she was too capitalist.
RUSH: That's how insane this has gotten. A couple of questions attempting to incriminate the press secretary!
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.