Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Commitments
RUSH: If Michael Bloomberg insists on honoring commitments made by American presidents, here’s an idea. How about committing a few million dollars toward the wall, Mayor?
RUSH: If Michael Bloomberg insists on honoring commitments made by American presidents, here’s an idea. How about committing a few million dollars toward the wall, Mayor?
RUSH: They've known, for I don't know how long, there's nothing here. They now know they have failed to make the case.
RUSH: Over the course of the eight years of the Obama administration, there were a minimum of 30 magazine covers of Michelle Obama highlighting her extraordinary fashion sense.. In a year and a half there has not been one such cover of Melania Trump.
RUSH: What's so funny? Well, it is. It looks like an Airbus A310 or A320 or something. It's not a 747. It's smaller than Trump's jet. It's smaller than Trump's personal jet.
RUSH: It was right out in front, just in your face. And some would call it cruel.
RUSH: The best I can tell you is I hope there will be. I sincerely do.
RUSH: Look, folks, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be sitting here: "I told you so, I told you so," nah-nah-nah-nah. But I did. And nobody else is gonna remind you.
RUSH: It's gonna take more than one election, way more than one election to actually stop the direction that we're headed in and turn it back and reverse it.
RUSH: Two million times a year people use guns to defend themselves.
RUSH: It goes right to what we did on this program last week when we read off all of the conflicts in the media and the incestuous connections in the media.
CALLER: We care about our country. We care about our kids. We care about our grandkids. And we sure as heck are a lot smarter than they are.
RUSH: Remember, Chuck's wife is a Democrat consultant, which means she makes money running Democrat campaigns.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.