Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Winning Strategy?
RUSH: In early polls for the 2020 presidential race, guess who shows up as the Democrat front-runner?
RUSH: In early polls for the 2020 presidential race, guess who shows up as the Democrat front-runner?
RUSH: Every one of these Drive-By Media hypocrites that are going on and on and on about conflict of interest regarding Sean Hannity would be the first people to accept an up-close and personal relationship with Barack Obama any day of the week.
RUSH: Over the course of the 30 years on this program, I have been targeted in a number of different ways, but never have I been debated about my ideas. Rather, the criticism is always designed to destroy my reputation among people that don't listen.
RUSH: Trump winning has been the biggest thing to throw people for a loop and upside down in decades.
RUSH: If you really want to read about all this in great detail, it's great. Lee Smith at
RUSH: According to the New York Times, February 6, 1993, Kimba Wood was interviewed by both Bill and Hillary Clinton to be Bill's attorney general.
RUSH: These people are getting crazier and crazier each and every day.
RUSH: Now, would somebody explain to me why this is necessary? Doesn't Starbucks epitomize all of modern-era liberalism?
RUSH: This current crop of Millennials and the bunch following them, believe me, they're tossing out all kinds of things that a bunch of generations prior to them lived by, were guided by and sought.
RUSH: James Comey personally has not yet reached this special status that I think he believes he has achieved.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.