Rush 24/7 Morning Update: California Nation-State
RUSH: It’s time for these California “Johnny Rebs” (Don't you love that?) to just be sent packing!
RUSH: It’s time for these California “Johnny Rebs” (Don't you love that?) to just be sent packing!
RUSH: You and I can't get away with this kind of skirting regulations or skirting laws, but they can, and they fully expect to.
RUSH: Trump is taking on every enemy he's got. In many ways, in many cases, he's doing it single-handedly.
RUSH: If Mueller says there isn't any evidence, the media's gonna say, "Well, we're not through looking ourselves. There has to be evidence, and we're gonna find it no matter what."
RUSH: So the translation is Trump signs the budget deal and Limbaugh comes along and rips it.
RUSH: Easter is a huge family get-together for the dwindling white privilege population in America.
RUSH: These two guys end up being greater salesmen for guns and NRA memberships than Charlton Heston ever was — and Charlton Heston was great!
RUSH: Hannan, I'm really glad that you called. Congratulations on acing Constitution 101, the Hillsdale course. That's big! Everybody's gotta be so proud of you.
RUSH: Whatever sanctions we have placed, tariffs and so forth, are not gonna apply to tech. So it's not gonna affect the price of your iPhone, your iPad, or your Samsung or whatever.
RUSH: Our culture and society are our future. And what young people are doing, what they're being taught, how they are being conditioned and educated is of paramount importance.
RUSH: They're stuffing tampons in clear backpacks and saying, "Take this."
RUSH: The shooter at YouTube incident is big for totally different reasons because mainly it blows to smithereens liberal theory about who picks up guns and who uses them and why.
ANNOUNCER: In the public interest, the EIB Network, in conjunction with a national condom educational project present: Safe Snorting Dos and Don'ts.
RUSH: Ted Kennedy came up with the idea of making himself the victim in Chappaquiddick. Not Mary Jo Kopechne.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.