Trump: DACA Dead, Illegal Invasion Killing Us

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 2,2018

RUSH: President Trump has said that DACA is dead. President Trump is ticked off. President Trump is now talking about how our country is being destroyed by illegal immigrants.

There is happening at the very moment we speak a caravan, it’s actual an invasion, but there is a caravan of thousands and thousands of people, largely not from Mexico, from El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, and they’re on what has become an annual trek to leave their own countries to come to the U.S.-Mexico border and get into the United States. It’s anywhere from a thousand to 5,000.

Now, the rub here is that the Mexican government is helping them, although the Mexican government is denying that they’re offering any assistance at all. They, in fact, are. They are arranging buses and they’re arranging safe passage and Trump is fit to be tied because nobody is willing to help him stop this. And of course he’s absolutely right.

I mean, this has been asked I don’t know how many times, what’s the greatest threat we face? And it’s hard to nail down just one, but I’m telling you this massive invasion of illegal immigrants — nobody here is opposed to legal immigration, but this massive invasion of people that have no desire to really become Americans, the distinct American culture is under assault daily and constantly, and of course the whole Democrat Party’s in favor of these people showing up. All they see is future voters.

Some of the Republicans are happy to see them come ’cause their donors like them ’cause they work cheap. It’s the same old saw. Nothing has changed. No matter what Trump tries to do, he’s being undermine at practically every turn. So in response he said, “Screw it. DACA’s dead. The heck with it. I’m not doing it. I’m not trying to meet with you people halfway anymore because you’re not interested.” And he’s exactly right.


RUSH: I didn’t get to it much beyond the first mention in the first hour, but this invasion, this annual invasion from Ecuador and El Salvador that Mexico is aiding and abetting, many people think Trump should just shut down the border, if this stuff doesn’t stop. And the usual suspects are doing everything they can to facilitate and make it happen.

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