Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Fix It
RUSH: Polling data shows 70% of Americans want immigration fixed. Polls taken right after the State of the Union address revealed overwhelming support for Trump’s approach.
RUSH: Polling data shows 70% of Americans want immigration fixed. Polls taken right after the State of the Union address revealed overwhelming support for Trump’s approach.
RUSH: All of these different states could have the opportunity to actually experiment with solving this. Federal gun control legislation is not a solution. The solution lies elsewhere.
RUSH: They are frustrated as they can be. And you know why?
RUSH: There's a great piece at The Federalist today by Lee Smith.
RUSH: Trump was the target all along! Trump was the suspect all along, and that's why Comey would not publicly exonerate Trump.
RUSH: I love your point that the next school shooting or mass shooting, the gun that's gonna be used is already in the hands of the perp. That is a pretty astute observation.
RUSH: The FBI is really busy right now. They're busy, I'm sure, tracking the entire Trump administration looking for additional sexual harassers.
RUSH: Actual brush strokes are made by outsourced painters? And the guy admits it!
RUSH: CNN is already ripping President Trump because he did not mention guns at any time in his address to the nation.
RUSH: It warms my heart to know that there are people like you and your kids and your family out there in the audience.
RUSH: Just to illustrate, this is all happening while the event was unfolding yesterday. So it's a combination of Republicans not caring and the country at large sucking.
RUSH: That's the breaking news from the public defender for the perp here, the alleged shooter, Nikolas Cruz.
RUSH: On Sunday, my annual February appearance with Chris Wallace.
RUSH: Here are the specific stories that I talk about on the program updated in real time. Plus, at the end of the show, you'll find a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but there just wasn't enough precious broadcast time: The Holdover Stack.