Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“You go on to any college campus, ask the students, the Millennials, 70% proudly say they’re socialist. They don’t know what it means. They haven’t been taught the actual definition of socialism. To them, socialism is simply everybody caring about everybody and everybody being treated equally with no discrimination and total sustainability.”
• NewsBusters: So Far: Evening News Spent Hour on Porter; Ignored Congressional Dem Abusers
• NBC: The Rob Porter Scandal Has Lasted for More than a Week. Here’s Why – Chuck Todd, Mark Murray & Carrie Dann
• CNBC: Trump Isn’t Getting More Popular, But His Policies Are
• National Review: The Anti-Porter Conspiracy – Mona Charen
• Daily Caller: Obama’s Painter Has Long ‘Predatory,’ ‘Perverse’ History Of Sneaking Sperm Into Paintings
• Daily Caller: POLL: Republicans Overtake Democrats Heading Into Midterms
• Hot Air: McClatchy: Dems Hitting Red Alert Over Trump Polling
• MovieWeb: How Many Box Office Records Will Black Panther Break This Weekend?
• Daily Caller: Soros Spending Big Money Against Texas DA Who Opposes Sanctuary Cities
• Breitbart: Petition Calls on Disney and Marvel Studios to Invest 25% of ‘Black Panther’ Profits to Black Communities
• FOXNews: Millennials Think Socialism Would Create a Great Safe Space, Study Finds
• Politico: Trump Pitches Plan to Replace Food Stamps with Food Boxes
• Politico: Dems: Bill Clinton Too Toxic to Campaign in Midterms
• BBC: Stormy Daniels ‘Free to Tell Her Story’ After Trump Lawyer Statement
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: