Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Bad Forecast
RUSH: New York State is about to embark on a new program. They’re going to give free tablets to all of their inmates in prison.
RUSH: New York State is about to embark on a new program. They’re going to give free tablets to all of their inmates in prison.
RUSH: They are trying to trash the truthers and people are coming after you almost as viciously as they're going after President Trump.
RUSH: If you try to diminish in any way the reach, the scope and the power of the ruling class, I mean, this is what it's gonna look like.
RUSH: You can hear everything in this one sound bite. This is exactly what we've been saying since the Trump transition.
RUSH: I was minding my own business on Friday night, and I got a bunch of emails, "You gotta turn on Hawaii Five-0! You gotta turn on Hawaii Five-0."
RUSH: In the NPR world, Trump colluded with Russia. Trump and Russia conspired.
RUSH: Twenty-four hours after Hillary conceded her campaign team got together and prepared the script or the strategy that they would pitch to the press and the public about how the election wasn't legit.
RUSH: My question is, if it's such a nothing burger, why did they work so hard to prevent its release? If there's nothing to it, if it's all a bunch of mishmash nothing burger, then why not promote its release, and why not quote from it extensively if it's so egregiously wrong or bad? These people worked harder than I've ever seen 'em work to stop a nothing burger.
RUSH: The investigation is not of Russia. It's of Trump. And if the dossier, which is about Trump, is bogus, and nothing in it can be verified or corroborated, then what are we investigating here?
RUSH: I think it was very wise just to stay out of this for a whole bunch of reasons.
RUSH: She plays a character who does not exist. She is an actress. She’s not a CIA agent or analyst, never has been.
RUSH: You know, sometimes I feel petty even mentioning this, but if I don't say it, I don't know who will.
RUSH: But it's not okay to burn down your town if you have a civil rights complaint? That's a question that Black Lives Matter leaders are asking today.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.