Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Answer For This
RUSH: The Democrat Party runs Broward County, from the police to the schools. It's Democrats, and not the NRA, who must answer for this — and at whom you must be livid.
RUSH: The Democrat Party runs Broward County, from the police to the schools. It's Democrats, and not the NRA, who must answer for this — and at whom you must be livid.
RUSH: I told you yesterday it was gonna happen. I told you, I made a big deal about it too. I didn't say it quietly.
RUSH: You know that they're gonna find something. They could find something on anybody! They can make it up. They can do anything they want.
RUSH: It had to be the case because 16-, 17-year-olds don't have any money on their own. They wouldn't know how to organize something this massive. It was patently obvious.
RUSH: A liberal Democrat is gonna talk to God, and God is gonna talk back? Now, isn't that what they've been making fun of Mike Pence for?
RUSH: Do you think he has the slightest idea why Nikolas Cruz was not caught in his background check?
RUSH: There is another story out there that CNN just can't drop. They're focused on this. I mean, they're glued to it.
RUSH: Sessions is said to be pushing back on Trump. I want to read Sessions' statement, and you tell me if that's what you think.
RUSH: When you heard me say this, folks, what were you thinking? What was running through your mind when you heard this? Come on. Be honest.
RUSH: I mentioned earlier a story that might have real impact on elections whereas Trump colluding with Russia didn't. And here we go.
RUSH: This feature is for Rush 24/7 members. We update it in real time with specific stories I talk about on the program. And then we add any that I run out of time for and holdover for the next excursion into broadcast excellence.
RUSH: Mayor Libby Schaaf is a disgrace to her office. But make no mistake, to her fellow lawless Democrats, she is a hero.
RUSH: Snerdley said, "You gotta post it." I showed him a video that I made, a selfie video with me and my cat last night.
RUSH: They're overplaying their hand, and they're gonna continue to overplay their hand because this is the only way they know how.
RUSH: Now, what might be going on out there that would inspire the Trumpster to give a thumb in the eye to people?
RUSH: November 20, 1991. I was in New York when this happened.
RUSH: The importance here is that I think this blurb, this sound bite from Obama, emphasizes something that I want you all to always remember.
RUSH: These people have been trying to blame this program and essentially you for their crybaby loss of what they had as their monopoly almost for 25 years here.
RUSH: This is what Holder and Obama believe. So they believe that bigotry and racism is resulting in charges and convictions against innocent minority perps.
RUSH: They are hearing from Americans opposed to this in greater numbers than they are hearing from the pro-boycott crowd. But you are not gonna be told that.