Rush 24/7 Morning Update: What You Saw
RUSH: If you watched the State of the Union, I hope a few moments will stay in your memory. America is growing again and its people are thriving. And Democrats are angry.
RUSH: If you watched the State of the Union, I hope a few moments will stay in your memory. America is growing again and its people are thriving. And Democrats are angry.
RUSH: Forty-three percent of Democrats watching the State of the Union liked it! That's the only number you need to know. That number is going to shock, perplex, stun, and panic elected Democrats all across the fruited plain.
RUSH: Every statement here that you hear Trump make is an issue the Democrats sat on their hands for and made faces.
RUSH: It was in some ways a speech only an outsider and a nonestablishment type could give, because it takes an outsider to see America this way when inside the Beltway.
RUSH: I wouldn't go to the bank on this yet. I'm not gonna believe it until I see it released. I hope it is. Don't misunderstand.
RUSH: Trump's approval number is rising. They don't know why.
RUSH: Folks, I overuse the word "amazing." I'm sorry.
RUSH: We've learned a little more about why Trey Gowdy is retiring from Congress.
RUSH: How many of them are there? I mean, there are Kennedys out there like there are roaches underneath your sink. And this one has a $43 million net worth.
RUSH: The tax cut's happened, and people are gonna have more discretionary income, more take-home pay.
RUSH: It's gonna take more than one year. Ronaldus Magnus is Ronaldus Magnus. He's like the Julius Caesar of conservatism here.
RUSH: So 142 times Obama referred to himself in the 2010 State of the Union. Last night, Donald Trump referred to himself 29 times.
RUSH: Here are the specific stories that I talk about on the program updated in real time. Plus, at the end of the show, you'll find a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but there just wasn't enough precious broadcast time: The Holdover Stack.