
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Here’s Trump’s State of the Union speech. It’s all it has to be.

“The State of the Union is strong. Believe me. It’s big league strong.

It’s gonna be even stronger when Democrat obstruction and corruption’s stopped, and it will be. Stay tuned. As promised, we’re making America Great again. This is what winning looks like. Get used to it.

God bless you. God bless the United States of America. Good night, everybody.”

Drop the hand-held mike and leave the podium.


RUSH: Again, here’s what I think Trump’s State of the Union speech ought to be. I think Trump should go out there with a hand-held mic, stand there on the podium, and say (impression), “The State of the Union is strong. Believe me. Believe me. It’s big league strong. You can see it — and it will be even stronger when Democrat obstruction and corruption is stopped. And it will be, believe me. Believe me. Stay tuned. As promised, we’re making America great again. This is what winning looks like. It looks a lot like it, just like this. Get used to it.

“God bless you. God bless the United States of America. Good night, everybody.” Drop the hand-held mic and exit the podium. High five Republicans on the way out. There you have a 15-second State of the Union show that would blow everything up. The commentariat wouldn’t know what to do with it. Trump supporters and many of the American people would absolutely love it, as opposed to some 40-minute droning on and on and on. What are State of the Union speeches but giveaway lists? It’s what they’ve become.

I know this is not gonna happen. It’s a wish list thing.

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