Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Woman’s Movement
RUSH: This could be a game-changer. At least in France. Guys who comment on a woman’s body or appearance in public may soon face government fines.
RUSH: This could be a game-changer. At least in France. Guys who comment on a woman’s body or appearance in public may soon face government fines.
RUSH: Trump arrived in Davos and is a rock star.
RUSH: I ended up on MSNBC, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Well, I could believe it, but it just boggles my mind every time I hear it. So I asked Cookie to give me the sound bites.
RUSH: Well, look at this! The inspector general of the Department of Justice has recovered all the missing texts exchanged between Strzok and Page.
RUSH: They've now caved twice on this whole DACA government shutdown over the budget business. Oh, yeah, it's the second time.
RUSH: The American people are getting ready to enjoy an entirely new and different economic circumstance than they had to endure the last eight years populated by Barack Obama. But the Democrats think that everybody's still fretting over the fact that the Democrats lost.
RUSH: I'm gonna tell you what's happening here and my description's gonna be even better than what's happening 'cause this is fabulous.
RUSH: Jeffrey Toobin on CNN was unable to put together a sentence. He had to turn it back over to the CNN host while he composed himself.
RUSH: I do not think it's a good idea. I think it's fraught with peril.
RUSH: It reminds me of the excitement and the growth of the first four years of the radio show.
RUSH: Now they come up with this glittering stat that sandwiches have “a large carbon footprint.” I tell you, my little tech bloggers are gonna eat it up.
RUSH: Lester Holt reporting on what a great place North Korea is and how much fun the citizens have there — and they go on vacation like Americans do, and they go skiing! And the whole thing was a propaganda setup.
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.