Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Isn’t It Great?

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 22,2018

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats caved on the government shutdown. They couldn’t even shut down the government as long as it gets shut down on a three-day weekend like the Martin Luther King weekend. This was pathetic.

They bombed royally, and everybody knows it. Let me read you some tweets. A guy named Matt Viser, who is the deputy Washington bureau chief, Boston Globe: “Democrats have managed to accede to Republican demands, demoralize their energized base, give a disengaged president a win, and look like they held a meaningless three-day government shutdown all at once.”

We’re not used to this!

The Democrats are the ones that have their own base upset at them. Nancy Pelosi: “I don’t see there’s any reason — I’m speaking personally; I’m hearing from my members — to support what was put forth. Why did we stop the shutdown? Unnecessary.” They stopped it because they had nothing. They had no endgame. This was all to embarrass and humiliate Trump because that’s all they’ve got.

And Trump said, “I’ve given you everything you’ve asked for three times. You say ‘no’? Okay, fine. You own it.” Brit Hume: “I doubted it was possible. Democrats have actually lost a shutdown fight. Schumer has agreed to end the filibuster in exchange for nothing? Make no mistake, they caved.”

Isn’t it great to see the Democrat base finally upset at their side?

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