Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

- LA Times: Oprah for president? Sure, But Donald Trump Always Thought She’d Be a Great Running Mate: “I Think We’d Win Easily”
- CNN: Oprah Winfrey “Actively Thinking” About Running for President
- Newsbusters: Wolff Touts Book “Will Finally Bring Down … This Presidency”
- Washington Examiner: Laura Ingraham Accuses Michael Wolff Book of “Total Fabrication” Over Trump Support, Limbaugh Quote
- The Hill: Trump Starting Workday Later to Spend More Time Watching TV and Tweeting
- Trump Lawyer Reminds Wolf Blitzer: There’s Still No Evidence of Collusion -10.30.17
- CNN: Trump: I’m a “Very Stable Genius”
- LA Times: Do Psychiatrists Have Any Business Talking About President Trump’s Mental Health?
- Townhall: Yale “Expert” Warns Trump Could End Humankind
- Washington Examiner: Justice Department Reopens Hillary Clinton Email Investigation
- AOL: Donald Trump Jr. Accuses Meryl Streep of “Sickening Hypocrisy” on Sexual Misconduct
- NY Post: NAACP to Protest Trump at College Football Championship
- Fox: NBC Retracts “Stunningly Unprofessional” Tweet Declaring Oprah Winfrey “Our” Next President
- Page Six: Actress: Weinstein Used Oprah and Naomi to Seduce Me
- TMZ: Harvey Weinstein: Oprah Has Called to Support Me
- U.K. Guardian: Apple Investors Call for Action Over iPhone “Addiction” Among Children
- Newsweek: Trump Could Destroy the Entire Human Species, Says Yale Psychiatrist Who Warned Congress Members
Things I meant to get to at some point, but there’s never enough time.
- Fox News: Inside Stephen Miller’s Off-Camera Confrontation with CNN’s Jake Tapper: “You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself”
“I’m looking at what I didn’t get to today, and the Stephen Miller appearance with what’s his name, Jake Tapper over at CNN? We should keep that, hold that over for tomorrow. That was kind of rocking, the CNN interview on Sunday.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: