Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Complaints
RUSH: When liberal Democrats like Mr. Lew complain about tax cuts, they should be told two things: Be quiet and go away.
RUSH: When liberal Democrats like Mr. Lew complain about tax cuts, they should be told two things: Be quiet and go away.
RUSH: I intended to be off today and tomorrow, but the staff begged me to come back. Broadcast partners begged me to come back. Who else, taking a much-needed, two-week break, would be begged to come back when not much is going on? Me.
RUSH: I can just tell you that some of the things that I have read, the excerpts in that chapter in the Michael Wolff book that was excerpted… Some of it is in direct contravention to what people quoted in that book said to me about things.
RUSH: When Trump gets in the least trouble is when he does conservative things. The more conservatism in Trump's agenda, the more popular he becomes, the more support he ends up having and the greater success he enjoys in implementing his agenda.
RUSH: The Media/Democrat Party investigation into collusion between Trump and Russia has fallen apart — it is hanging by a thread — and the evidence is last Saturday's New York Times. The New York Times has done a 180.
RUSH: He's occupying a position of strength, in his mind. He's exhibiting a tremendous amount of confidence here. He's using the circumstances with the DREAMers and DACA to get exactly what he wants on immigration. I don't think he's gonna sell out.
RUSH: I mentioned earlier in the program that I had this massive story here — turns out it's New York Magazine — on all of the things that have happened inside the Deep State, the administrative state, that are unraveling so much of what the liberal Democrats have instituted throughout the bureaucracy in decades.
RUSH: I think if you want to find out what’s wrong in America, do two things. Follow the money and then follow the media. And by that, I mean, look at what people will do for media attention. And it’s worse than it’s ever been.
RUSH: They were not screwing the batteries! They were trying to help people get the longest life they could out of the battery.
RUSH: How about Trump's fake news awards Monday at 5 o'clock? You love that? Oh, they're livid about that too. They're livid about the Kim Jong-un my button's bigger than yours and mine works. I love it myself.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.