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RUSH: Folks, if a movie comes to your town any time soon, Darkest Hour, go see it. Drop everything and go see it. Darkest Hour is Winston Churchill four years during World War II. It is a four-year life span of Churchill that takes into account pretty much everything Winston Churchill is known for. Gary Oldman plays Churchill, and if you look at Gary Oldman you think, “This guy plays Churchill?” But it’s perhaps the greatest portrayal of Winston Churchill on film ever.

I’ll tell you a little something. Trump is playing this movie for guests in the White House. They screened it for Trump over the weekend on Saturday. He loved it so much, he had a bunch of members of Congress up to the White House to watch it last night. He watched it up on Camp David on Saturday. He had Vice President Pence, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin up there, and they were blown away by it.

Darkest Hour. You’ve probably seen TV spots for it. It’s opening in limited release ’cause they’re trying to get it qualified for the Academy Awards. It opens in wide distribution beginning next year, early next year. Whenever it comes to wherever you are, drop everything and go see it. Darkest Hour. I don’t want to tell you too much about it and I don’t want to raise expectations extraordinarily high so that no matter how great it is, you feel, “What was the big deal?” But you’re gonna be blown away.

Dr. Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College, who is a Churchill expert, has written numerous books. Churchill is perhaps his hero. Dr. Arnn spent time during the filming of this movie over in the U.K. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he was consulted on it, but for the most part he was there during crucial moments. He so heartily recommends this. I’m going to be viewing it soon. I’ve seen enough of it to know that it’s heart-stopping. It’s rah-rah. It’s got all of the values and the historical reminders of why all of what we are and do matter, and the greatness.

For so many people, Churchill lived before we were born, many of us, and all we know of Churchill is what’s been written and what he’s written, which is voluminous. But this gets as close to bringing Churchill to life as anything that I have seen, including John Lithgow in The Crown. This is an entirely different portrayal.

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