RUSH: John in Nampa, Idaho. It’s great to have you. I’m glad you waited, sir. What’s shaking? What’s happening?
CALLER: Good morning, Rush. I can’t believe I’m on the phone. This is like one of my top 10 bucket list things to do.
RUSH: Well, I’m flattered. Thank you.
CALLER: And I finally get to say, “Dittos, Rush.” The reason why I called is I want to get to my point like I was told to do, the Flynn thing, you’re right on the target with this, but I wanted to throw out a scenario for you. I believe that Trump and Mueller are working together to weed out the FBI. I think this Flynn thing is simply a ruse.
RUSH: Wait a minute. Did I hear you right, you think that Mueller and Trump are colluding to destroy the FBI or to expose the FBI?
CALLER: Yes. Well, it’s corrupt, it has some corruption in it as these new text messages show. And if Mueller is an anti-Trump guy, why —
RUSH: Are you a Trump supporter? Are you a Trump voter?
CALLER: Am I? Yes.
RUSH: Who’d you vote for?
CALLER: Donald Trump.
RUSH: Oh, I thought you said no, you weren’t. So you are a Trump supporter.
CALLER: Oh, yes, sir.
RUSH: Okay. All right. I now understand this. You know, folks, I marvel at the way people think. And this one I haven’t heard. Of all the things out there, I haven’t heard John’s theory, that Trump and Mueller are actively working together to expose the FBI for being the hellhole that it is. Now, the fact that he is a Trump supporter thoroughly explains this.
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