Guest Host Mark Steyn
Mark Steyn filled in for Rush on Friday. Check out Mark's Stack for links and audio clips. Rush returns in 2018 for a brand new year of broadcast excellence.
Mark Steyn filled in for Rush on Friday. Check out Mark's Stack for links and audio clips. Rush returns in 2018 for a brand new year of broadcast excellence.
Mark Steyn filled in for Rush on Thursday. Check out Mark's Stack for links and audio clips. Rush returns in 2018 for a brand new year of broadcast excellence.
Peabody Award-Winning International Film and Television Star, and 2017 Ovation Award Acting Ensemble Nominee (as well as star of the hit series Justified) Nick Searcy debuts as guest host on Wednesday. Rush returns in 2018 to kick off a brand new year of broadcast excellence.
Ken Matthews, the afternoon drive time host on WHP 580 Harrisburg and WPHT 1210 Philadelphia, filled in for Rush on the Tuesday after Christmas. Check out Ken’s Stack for links and audio clips. Rush returns in 2018 to kick off a brand new year of broadcast excellence.
RUSH: You have no idea how much you mean to me, my family, the overrated staff and everybody associated with us.
RUSH: On balance, I'm up during this time of year, and most of the times of the year. But it got me to thinking just how many people in the country today are in fact miserable because of the successful year that Trump had. And Trump's successful year means great things for the country. Make no mistake about it. Trump having a widely successful, way-beyond-expectations first year is phenomenal for the country.
RUSH: The reason why the Republicans in the House and Senate have warmed up to Donald Trump, the reason they now appear to be happily and eagerly on his team is because they now think that the Trump-Russia collusion charge is bogus.
RUSH: Once again, ladies and gentlemen, talk radio credited (or blamed, depending on your perspective) for the fact that more Republicans are now beginning to suspect the integrity of the Mueller investigation. What has taken you so long?
RUSH: I'm gonna go on record December 22, 2017: Based on all that is known now, the Republican Party is not gonna lose control of the House, they're not gonna lose control of the Senate — and, in fact, the Democrats may lose even more seats in the Senate.
CALLER: I'm calling now embarrassed to say that 13 months ago I only plugged my nose and voted for Donald Trump. He was not my candidate of choice. He was simply the best of two options. I'm calling to apologize through your show and as directly as I can to him and say, "I'm sorry, Mr. President, I could have been a better supporter last year and in the future I will be." I am a huge supporter. Love the guy. Love everything he's done.
RUSH: Regulations are falling by the wayside. They're all happy about it. Now, over here, outside all of that, is the Democrat Party mad as they can be — livid — instead of trying to get in on this. Instead of trying to get in on what is going to be a newfound prosperity, on a new round of economic growth — instead of trying to get in on this — they are purposely standing aside.
RUSH: If we do not stop the open border immigration and chain migration that results from it, we simply are going to lose our culture. Because the immigrants that are coming are not interested in assimilating.
RUSH: So American exceptionalism to these clowns is defined by how much we do for other countries at our own expense. And how about this question: "Do you think Donald Trump's the biggest threat to the world?" This guy agrees with the premise.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: It is gorgeous, we're proud of it, it's a collector's item.
RUSH: The very fact that this has happened is astounding and earth-shattering, and believe me when I tell you, the Democrat Party and its accomplices in the media are in the midst of shell shock right now. Of all the things they dreamed of happening this year, this was not on the list. Nothing like this was on the list. Trump was not to have a single achievement, especially legislatively.
RUSH: We've got somebody who believes in the American nation, believes in American greatness, believes in the American founding, shouts it proudly from the rooftops and sets about recasting it as what is normal.
RUSH: Everybody in this town, everybody in media, everybody in the establishment is so damn cynical that nothing, especially goodness, can be real. Goodness, genuineness has to be artificial. Why these corporations, they wouldn't do this on their own. They're not that nice. They wouldn't do this on their own. They don't think of their employees this way. They had to be told. They had to be cajoled. There had to be some kind of conspiracy, either between themselves or between them and Trump.
RUSH: I think the tipping point was Trump's election. I think Trump's election was the bloom coming off the establishment rose. Trump's election is what has caused all of this.
RUSH: It's just an incredible story. And I didn't even know the feature was there until I read about this.