Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Picking Cotton Balls
RUSH: The Reverend Jesse Jackson has weighed in on the NFL protests. It’s a take that only he could come up with because he's dead wrong about everything.
RUSH: The Reverend Jesse Jackson has weighed in on the NFL protests. It’s a take that only he could come up with because he's dead wrong about everything.
RUSH: Trump is not going to just sit and let some people trash all over him. He's not gonna permit it. He doesn't care who it is. It could be somebody that you would largely think is small fry and irrelevant or it could be a United States senator.
RUSH: Would you be surprised to learn that a Mexican woman who cannot speak English, who cannot read English, who cannot understand English, just passed her citizenship test? The story is made out to be a heartwarming, heartstring-tugging tale.
RUSH: I said yesterday, I think part of the reason for the Mueller investigation is to find out the dangers that reside in this investigation and maybe ignore them or cover them up. 'Cause this is real collusion, and it involves the Clintons and Obama and the State Department.
RUSH: Here's Hollywood preaching to us about the evils of racism and the evils of sexism, and look at the product that they pump out.
RUSH: The story makes the New York Times! They're upset the football team's winning at Columbia.
RUSH: This is exactly how the fall of the Soviet Union began.
RUSH: I have missed the Reverend Jackson. I've missed this. He hasn't been around. I don't know where he's been, but he hasn't been around.
RUSH: This may not be old news to you, but the point of the piece is to try to share with the Never Trumpers because there are still so many people that to this day have no idea why Trump won.
RUSH: Gillespie worked in the Bush White House. He's worked at the RNC. I mean, he's a good guy. I've met Gillespie, I know him, but he is what you say. I mean, he's right out of the Republican establishment.
RUSH: I think it's white privilege. I mean, think of all the entertainers that they could get. What about Snoop Dogg? Snoop Dogg's out there singing the praises of the players. He's rapping.
RUSH: If you look at the Drudge Report today and look at the headlines — and if you know how to do this, instead of seeing each headline individually and assessing it individually, what it means. If you're able to see the pattern there — as, of course, I am able to — then a certain picture presents itself.
RUSH: A couple of illegals just jumped the fence out there. MSNBC got it on tape. This is kind of like Algore showing up for a global warming meeting and it snows a blizzard.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.