Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Proud Democrats
RUSH: As for Harvey Weinstein, he’s just the latest proud sexual-predator Democrat to get caught. But how did he get away with it for so long?
RUSH: As for Harvey Weinstein, he’s just the latest proud sexual-predator Democrat to get caught. But how did he get away with it for so long?
RUSH: Bingo. It's only Trump that can drive his audience away, and the fastest way he could would be to become part of the swamp.
RUSH: It has nothing to do with equity. Again, it's trying to buy peace. The women are on the warpath, and let's head 'em off at the pass.
RUSH: You can talk about Trump all you want, but at least he's not writing op-eds for Teen Vogue, for crying out loud.
RUSH: It's part of the relentless nature he has. They are fake news, they're bad for the country, and they ought to have to earn the right to be this bad. They ought to have to earn the right. They ought to have to pass some kind of regulatory scheme in order to be able to do fake news. I know what he's doing with this, and it's how he keeps his base riled up. But more than that, he's keeping pressure on calling them fake news, which they are and which they detest.
RUSH: The modern era of late-night comedy is not comedy, when you get right down to it. It is angry politics.
RUSH: The point I made yesterday was that Corker's now given it up. Corker has given up the ghost, and Bret Baier played that sound bite and got panel reaction to it.
RUSH: This guy says he is delivering Alzheimer's medication to members of Congress. He's not naming any names, but he says some of the people don't even remember he was there the day before.
RUSH: Impeachment was postponed because of Las Vegas, but there's been enough mourning and there's been enough sorrow.
RUSH: Trump is in the right, don't misunderstand. But no president should have dictatorial power over individual behavior. A president should not be able to tell the owners of a business how their employees are gonna act and what they're gonna swear allegiance to and all that. That's up to the owners to do.
RUSH: We had a caller from Worcester, Massachusetts, who was really wired, and he was on the warpath against the Patriots and particularly the owner of the Patriots, Robert Kraft… He’s not at all the man that was portrayed by the caller.
RUSH: Have you seen the Obamas' apology? I have the Obamas' apology right here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.
RUSH: I have become aware of some thinking on our side. You know, everybody's trying to figure out why did the New York Times finally dump on poor Harvey — why? You won't believe a theory gaining ground out there. You know what the theory is?
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.