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RUSH: Some very disturbing news from the world of entertainment, ladies and gentlemen.

A new study from San Diego State University’s “Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film” looked dramas, comedies, and reality shows across all platforms: broadcast networks, cable channels, and streaming services. The results are distressing!

Here’s the headline from Jezebel, a feminazi website: “Study Finds That Women Characters on TV Are Still More Likely to Be Mothers and Wives.” And that’s unacceptable. Who would dare put them in those roles?

According to the research, women on screen play more “personal life-oriented roles,” while men play more “work-oriented” roles. Women are still playing housewives, while men play the business executive types. It’s like Hollywood is stuck in the 1950s!

Here are the statistics: 68 percent of shows have casts with more men than women. Only 42 percent of all speaking roles go to women characters. It seems like more than that to me, but it’s what they say.

Behind the scenes, it’s even worse: 85 percent of programs have no women directors; 75 percent have no women editors! 67 percent have no women producers; 97 percent have no women directors of photography.

My question: Why is Hollywood such a hotbed of sexism? Why is the entertainment universe, run totally by liberals, full of such chauvinism and misogyny? Could somebody explain that to me?

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