Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 11,2017

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Sep 11, 2017


“The only evidence there is of climate change is in the computer models that they have built to forecast it. There is no evidence of it. That’s the really crazy thing here. There isn’t any evidence. There is no hard, empirical data. And for there to be you would have to accept the idea that this point of time in the earth’s entire billions-of-year history is what the norm is, which we also don’t know that, either.”


Things I meant to get to at some point, but there’s never enough time.

“Among the many things we’re gonna get to tomorrow, this is Glamour Magazine, a women’s magazine, they have an article that’s entitled: Help I Can’t Stop Hooking Up with Trump Supporters — ’cause there’s so good in bed.” Liberal women confused. Details on that. It’s not Hillary. Not talking about her.”/strong>


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: