I Never, Ever Said the Hurricane Was Fake News, Drive-Bys

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 6,2017

RUSH: I didn’t know this yesterday, but they called me a hurricane denier all over social media last night. Did you guys know anything about that? Well, I didn’t, either. I’m minding my own business, it was at 10:30 last night. I had not even turned on the TV. I was too busy.

By the way, greetings. Rush Limbaugh here, the EIB Network, now in the direct target area of Hurricane Irma.

Anyway, it was 10:30 last night, I got a note from our old buddy Erick Erickson, and it says: “Passing this along. It goes live in the morning at five a.m.” on his website theresurgent.com. It says: “Everybody Freaked the Hell Out Over Rush Limbaugh Yesterday, But He Was Right.”

I said, “What is this?” I didn’t know a thing about this. I got zilch feedback about this, I mean, none. I didn’t get any feedback about anything yesterday. I never get feedback about anything anymore. To be totally frank, I go home and that’s it.

So I get this note from Erick that says: “‘A hurricane denier,’ they called him on social media yesterday. Rush Limbaugh started his show talking about Hurricane Irma and liberals along with a number of Republicans who have decided talk radio is the enemy, freaked. the. hell. out. But did they actually listen to him?”

He goes on to tell me what happened here. And apparently — you know that reporter that got clocked by the Republican out in North Dakota, Ben Jacobs? Apparently this guy heard — well, I don’t think he heard, I don’t think any of these people actually listen. They probably got an out-of-context, erroneous report of things I didn’t say yesterday, and he tweeted that I am a hurricane denier. Which, by the way, does that not prove that these people are using this storm to advance the climate change agenda, which was one of my focal points yesterday?

And that apparently caused an eruption in various sectors of social media. So Erick wrote a piece here to try to set these people straight to tell ’em what exactly happened on the program yesterday versus what they — (interruption) I know they’re not gonna read that. Well, they might. I mean, Erick is on social media, and we of course here at the EIB Network have steadfastly maintained a state of distance from that cesspool. We’re not there. That’s why I don’t get any feedback on it.

So all I did yesterday — this is the thing. Folks, it is so frustrating. And it’s actually getting more and more frustrating. When these people, who are so emotionally invested — emotionally, not intellectually — so emotionally invested in an event and in an outcome, you can’t get to them with the truth. In fact, the truth is the greatest enemy they face, and they treat it that way. They reside in these little self-made cocoons where they safely are hidden away from anything that challenges their emotional construct.

And when something permeates the cocoon — and I have a practiced way of permeating. I know how to permeate emotional cocoons. I do it well as the mayor of Realville — and they just freak out. Anyway, there was a story about it today in The Daily Beast, which is a left-wing — not The Daily Caller. And the headline: “Limbaugh: Hurricane Irma Coverage Is Liberal Media Plot to Advance ‘Climate-Change Agenda.'”

And then they go on and they fairly accurately report what I say and they even mention that I constantly pointed out that I was not a meteorologist, which I did yesterday. I didn’t say that anything I’m predicting here as any the authority. I didn’t say I’m trying to replace the hurricane center or any of these experts. I’m just telling you how I analyze their data, which we are still free to do. I analyze their data a little differently than they do.

Now, the situation here in south Florida’s dire. The governor, Rick Scott, is asking certain people to begin evacuation plans. Hurricane Harvey is supposed to hit Miami Sunday morning at eight a.m. with 145-mile-an-hour winds and come right up and dead hit West Palm Beach and Wellington at 130 miles an hour and then keep going north. Now, yesterday at this time, the hurricane center had Key West as the target. The day before that it was an entirely different target.

But if you study this, as I do, you will find that from the beginning of coverage of Hurricane Irma, Florida has always been in what would be the cone, the long range cone. And all I’m telling you is that I think there are reasons for that beyond meteorology. That’s all. I’m not gonna waste your time repeating everything I said yesterday, because most of you were here and heard it.

Last night, before the 11 o’clock update happened, everybody was looking at the hurricane center forecast track and thinking, “Okay, it’s gonna hit Naples, maybe further west offshore and head on up to the Gulf, like Mississippi-Louisiana.” And I was chatting with people, I said, “This is not what’s going to happen. They can’t move the track where they really want to move it yet, because the track is dependent on many things, primarily on all of the different hurricane models.”

You’ve probably been to enough websites where they have these spaghetti models, but you have to know that not all those models are paid attention to by the hurricane center. You have to, over years and years of diligent study, you have to figure out which models they find credible. I know this. You have to find which models they give weight to and others that they ignore. I know this because of 20 years of study. As a resident of south Florida, this stuff matters to people like me who live here.

I’ll just tell you this. I was having a chat with someone you all know last night whose name I’m not gonna mention, we were making bets with each other, and I made a prediction. I said, “When we wake up” — this is after the 11 o’clock track had moved it close to Naples and Fort Myers and moved it off of Key West. I said, “I’m gonna tell you exactly what’s gonna happen. We’re gonna wake up at five a.m. tomorrow and that track is gonna split the state in two. It’s gonna come right up the center of the state of Florida,” and damned if that isn’t what happened.

But I told him. That’s not the news. The news is that 11 o’clock tomorrow West Palm Beach is gonna be dead hit. I told my buddy this at midnight last night. And, lo and behold, that’s exactly where the track is right now. We’re still four to five days out when talking about impact on south Florida. And if you look at the discussion page at the National Hurricane Center’s website where you find the graphics, the forecast maps, they have updates, advisories, and they have a discussion that they issue every six hours.

And every discussion mentions that when you’re looking at the track, days four and five usually have an error, an average error that they apply of 175 to 225 miles, which is why their cone is that big, that far out, because they really can’t predict. So my point, the track’s gonna move again. I don’t know where the track’s gonna end up. Most of the models do not have the hurricane hitting Florida. There’s still a few that do, and there’s an outlier or two that have it going due west through the Florida straits, due west and up into the Gulf.

The hurricane center’s ignoring those models. And if you look at the cluster of models they pay attention to, it almost looks like a repeat of last year’s Hurricane Matthew. Remember that one? Hurricane Matthew was making a beeline for Florida, and then about, I don’t know, 50 miles out, it turned north, and it paralleled the Florida East Coast on its way north. And I remember, all kinds of people — this is fascinating, too — it missed us, and everybody I know who knows where I live called me breathlessly, “Did you get much damage?”

I said, “No. It missed us.”

“Oh, no, it was a direct hit. I saw it on TV, it was a direct hit.”

“Oh, no, no, it missed us. It remained offshore. It didn’t come ashore ’til way north up in Florida.”

“Oh, good. Oh, good. I could have sworn I saw it was a direct hit. I was so worried.”

“No. No. We could wave at it out there on the upper deck of the second floor. We could wave at it as it went by.”



Now, this is a much stronger hurricane than Matthew. They claim right now that it’s 175-mile-an-hour winds gusting to 225, 55 miles east of I think St. Thomas, is it? Yeah, St. Thomas. It’s barreling toward it. By the time it reaches Florida, the strength is gonna be down to 145, 135, with gusts even higher. But we’re still — what is this, Wednesday, and they’re forecasting eight — I don’t have it right in front of me. Eight a.m. Sunday I think for Miami. Wednesday, Thursday.

We’re still four or five days out from this thing, so you know this track is going to change again. And even with the vast movement of the forecast track in the last three days, if you go back — I keep all these screenshots. I do overlaps, comparisons. The track movement in the last three days is like one of these spaghetti models; it’s all over the place. So it’s gonna continue to move. And even the hurricane center with their admission that there’s a 175-225-mile error, that’s the average distance of the error that is made, because you can’t forecast these things precisely until it’s like six hours out, six hours, 12 hours out. Even then, even 12 hours out it, it can take a totally different tack.

Now, don’t confuse this with climate change. ‘Cause climate change they can tell you what the sea level is gonna be in 50 years. I mean, they have no doubt what the sea level is gonna be in Manhattan, south Florida in 50 years. The direction of the hurricane, six hours out, beyond that it’s the best guess that they can put together. And that’s what it is.

There’s a way of illustrating this. One of my favorite things to read is a weekly article by Gregg Easterbrook, who is an environmentalist wacko, by the way, and you have to know this, that I know this, and it doesn’t factor. He writes a piece called Tuesday Morning Quarterback, used to be at ESPN, then at the New York Times. Now he’s published in the Weekly Standard. It’s every Tuesday.

His piece yesterday was the first piece before the NFL season begins, and that’s where everybody makes their predictions. He had a long section in Tuesday Morning Quarterback debunking the entire notion of predicting sporting events, individual games, who’s gonna win the Super Bowl, the utter futility of it and how nobody ever really gets it right. And his analogy was all of the data experts forecasting the 2016 election.

He just smears Nate Silver and all of these pollsters and all of these big data analysts as nothing but a bunch of dressed-up wild guessers. He doesn’t hit them personally. I’m sure he likes them. They’re on his team. But he makes a brilliant point. I’m gonna share it with you during the program today, because it’s fascinating.

And in fact, you know what? When I read this, I understood even better why the left has gone insane. ‘Cause they believed all of this. Nate Silver says Hillary’s got a 90% chance of winning, Hillary’s got a 65% chance-of-winning, Hillary’s got an 84%. The Huffing and Puffington Post, the same thing. The New York Times, they were all issuing these percentages based on their big data analysis, and they were all wrong!

And I remember making the point during the campaign, these people are falling victim to their own side’s dishonesty. They can’t be precise, but they’ve got these reputations as big data analysts, that they know more than anybody else, and when they make these predictions that Hillary has a 91.1% chance, you put the decimal point in there and it adds credibility and authority, but it means nothing. These people believed all of their big data gurus and every one of them got it wrong, and every one of them wasn’t even close. And these gurus, these big data gurus are like gods to people on the left. It’s why they felt betrayed.

How many of you watch the FX TV show American Horror Story? None of the staff here on the other side of the glass does. Well, it’s produced by a guy named Ryan Murphy, who’s gay, so there’s a lot of risqué homosexuality in this series. I think they’re on season 5. But this season’s issue is American Horror Story cult, and I had heard that the opening scenes in episode 1 are of a bunch of people losing their minds and going nuts watching election night coverage as Trump wins.

So I made sure to DVR it and watch it last night, and it’s the funniest thing. You need to watch it. It is the funniest thing. You’ve got people cursing Nate Silver. You got people cursing CNN. You got people shrinking into tears claiming they can’t go on as Trump is announced the winner. One of the characters says, “I’m not gonna believe this. I’m not gonna believe it ’til I hear Rachel Maddow say it. It’s not true, it can’t be true!” Then Rachel Maddow finally says it.

And the one Trump supporter is the monster in this series, naturally. The Trump supporter puts Cheetos in a blender and then spreads that dust on his face to replicate Trump’s orange makeup. That’s how big a fan that he is. But he’s a nut, an absolute Looney Tunes. He’s out there shouting, “USA! USA!” He’s so excited he’s tearing up his big screen TV while the other cast members are going absolutely — it’s classic.

They believed it, folks. They believe their big data. They believe their polling data. They believe their Drive-By Media. They believe all of this. And when you read Easterbrook and his analysis of all this big data, you understand even better why they are still in the throes of a major depression, and why they’re not coming out of it any time soon. So there’s that.

DACA, it has expanded. It has become an even issue than it was yesterday. We’re gonna have it covered from every angle and then some. We will have ongoing analysis and coverage of the hurricane. Now, one thing I can help you with, the hurricane center does not change the maps. They have updates. They’re gonna start ’em every hour now. But the updates are just gonna progress points, where is the thing on the map, what’s its speed, what’s its strength. They don’t upgrade the forecast track but four times a day on the fives and 11, five a.m., five p.m., 11 a.m., 11 p.m.

They will do an eight p.m. update, a two a.m. update, but they don’t change the maps. Now, they might with this storm because, remember, this storm is gonna help them reclaim the notion that climate change is bringing back more frequent and stronger storms. There haven’t been any storms for 12 years up until this year, so they’ve lost that element of climate change. Now they’ve got this giant hurricane, and they can’t wait. So they want to get as much out of this as they can to further their climate change agenda.


RUSH: So here’s another one I didn’t know that happened. The Washington Post. The reporter is Callum Borchers. Headline: “Rush Limbaugh’s Dangerous Suggestion that Hurricane Irma Is Fake News.” Now, any of you listening to this program 24 hours ago, did I ever say the hurricane wasn’t there? Did I ever say it wasn’t a big storm? Did I ever call it fake news? I didn’t do any of that. I’m convinced Borchers didn’t even listen. He may have read a transcript out of context from a reporting site or whatever. All I did was tell you how the world works.

All I did was remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue, and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it and they go nuts with it — and that’s exactly what’s happening here. Remember, big hurricane. Algore said after his first book, after Hurricane Katrina, “We’re gonna have these things all the time and they’re gonna get worse and worse and worse ’cause of climate change!” We went 12 years without a single one hitting the United States. Well, now, two of them are hitting and they can barely contain themselves. They want to be right, and so they’re milking this. They’re milking it for all they can get out of it.


RUSH: Mr. Snerdley told me that he got some notes that Al Joker was ragging on me over this. I’m frankly honored that they pay attention. But listen to this. This is one of the tail ends of one of the paragraphs in this story. “More broadly, Limbaugh’s bad advice –” I didn’t give anybody bad advice, by the way. I just shared with people how I analyze this. I gave people great advice, in fact.

All these people panicking because there’s no bottled water in the stores? What did I say? Get an empty bottle and turn on the tap! There’s plentiful tap water in every home out there, in every bathroom out there. You turn on the tap, the one with the “C” on it, and you’ll get cold water coming out of there, “corporate” water. Millennials don’t like corporate, so if I would have said “corporate media” I’d have Millennials on my side. If I would have accused them of doing this for profit, I’d have Millennials on my side. I’m the one that devised ways to end the panic.

Get this. Down here this morning, over in the West Palm Beach side, a semitrailer filled with cases of bottled water showed up at a Publix. The cops were called to guard the truck. There was a limit of four cases per family permitted to be sold. Had to call the cops. Go home, get an empty bottle, get an empty milk jug and fill them up by turning on the tap in your sink. And, voila, you have water. It doesn’t come from a grocery store or in a bottle, but you’ve got water. And it’s there, right there, right now, in your home.

I think that’s pretty good advice. I think it’s pretty compassionate advice. I think it’s pretty sensible advice. But I got tarred and feathered. You know, after Hurricane Harvey, which really was flood Harvey, am I dreaming it, or were there countless stories in the Drive-By Media asking if climate change made it possible? The idea that these people are not using these severe weather events to push their political agenda is absurd. Of course they are. You talk to anybody that will be honest with you that’s worked in TV news, and they will tell you that when major weather events happen, they were ordered to hype them. It’s ratings!

Why do you think reporters stand out in the middle of snowstorms to tell you it’s snowing? To hype it! It’s all about ratings. And then they tell you to what? Make sure you got chains. Where do you get chains? Home Depot. Then they tell you to make sure you got this or that, a shovel. Where do you get a shovel? Then they make sure to tell you to have batteries. Where do you get batteries? Grocery store. Then check who’s advertising on the local TV. There’s nothing wrong with it; it’s the way it works. And what completes the circle is money. It’s always been money. It will always be money. There are people: “I am in it not for the money. I’m in it for the cause.” Right. Well, you may be, but you’re an outlier.

Anyway, back to this paragraph. “More broadly, Limbaugh’s bad advice reveals the metastasizing nature of ‘fake news’ attacks on the press, which have been led by President Trump. How did we get from Trump’s claim that he has ‘never seen more dishonest media than, frankly, the political media’ to the idea that weather reports are phony, too?”

Mr. Borchers, do you want to challenge the idea, do you want to challenge the notion that weather media and sports media are any different than the news media? They’re all media. They’re all journalists. They all come from the same school. They all come the same schools of thought. And if you don’t believe in climate change, you get fired from these various TV meteorology jobs, or you can. It’s happened.

“Limbaugh, a fellow Trump booster, didn’t say the deep state causes storms, but he did say ‘you have people in all of these government areas who believe man is causing climate change, and they’re hellbent on proving it, they’re hellbent on demonstrating it, they’re hellbent on persuading people of it.'”

Yeah, I did, I did say that, and that’s exactly right. I didn’t call it a fake hurricane. I didn’t say it was fake news. I said I wasn’t a meteorologist and I said it was a serious storm. I was simply talking about the coverage.

What did Al Joker say? He’s just ragging on me? See, folks, when they’re in their little cocoon of safety where they have their own worldview built and everybody in the cocoon feels and thinks the same way, anything, anything that challenges it causes a panic or anger and a need to lash out at the denier. You see this all over the place. It’s epitomized by snowflakes on college campus, young kids who can’t deal with an opposing point of view. They are the real fascists. They are the real intolerant ones among us.

I did not say anything yesterday that was untrue. Nor did I tell people not to worry, nor did I tell people not to be concerned, nor did I say that the hurricane is fake news, and I didn’t say the Deep State is steering it. They did! The left had people saying that George W. Bush wanted Hurricane Katrina to ravage Louisiana to rid it of Democrats. They do these things. So that’s that.

Before we get to the DACA news and the debt limit and a whole bunch of See, I Told You So’s. I’ve gotta share with you the analysis of all this big analytic data that Gregg Easterfield got into yesterday, Tuesday Morning Quarterback, ’cause it’s just choice. And Mr. Easterbrook, I don’t mean to be damaging your career by promoting your work. He’s an environmentalist wacko. He believes in this climate change stuff. Very, very, very, very, very scholarly, bright guy. But his friends might rag on him by having me promote his work so I apologize in advance.


RUSH: Man, I tell you: We’re getting some action out there. Joe Bastardi (who used to be at the Weather Channel) just tweeted that he can assure everyone that no one at the National Hurricane Center uses their climate change beliefs in making forecasts. He didn’t mention me, but obviously that’s what he’s reacting to here. So he’s saying that there’s no way; it’s not possible. He knows the people there and there’s no way that they would put their own climate change beliefs in forecasts. I’m sure they don’t think they are. I’m sure.

I’m dead certain that they don’t think they are. And Al Joker’s tweet. We fine somebody Al Joker’s tweet. “To have Rush Limbaugh suggest the warnings about Irma are fake…” I never said “fake,” Al. I never used the word “fake.” “To have Rush Limbaugh suggest the warnings about Irma are fake or about profit and to ignore them borders on criminal.” I didn’t tell anybody to ignore anything, Al. I myself gave my own warnings! I just detailed how the world works, Al, which is undeniable. And now we go to the phones.

RUSH: We’re gonna starts here in Portland, Oregon. Owen, great to have you. You’re up first today, sir. How are you?

CALLER: I’m great, Rush. Thanks for taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, sir.

CALLER: All right. Well, I called because you contradicted yourself. You said there hasn’t been a storm in 12 years when you — and not… five minutes before that you talked about murk Matthew, which was a h-hurricane 5 that went up to —

RUSH: There has not been a major hurricane strike the continental United States in 12 years prior to Hurricane Harvey.

CALLER: But… but… but how do you use that to square…? How do you, uh, square that with, uh, there’s no climate change? It doesn’t matter if it hits United States or not?

RUSH: I’m not “squaring” it with anything. I’m telling you what they say. I’m telling you Algore and his acolytes after Hurricane Katrina took the occasion of Hurricane Katrina and all of that suffering and all of that misery. They’re the ones that started warning everybody that Katrina was just the first of many. We were gonna have more and more hurricanes like Katrina, and they’re gonna be stronger and stronger because of climate change. I just listened, Owen. That’s all I did.

And then 12 years went by, and there was not a single major hurricane — that’s Category 3 or above — that hit the continental United States for 12 years. It is undeniable. Algore was wrong, just like he’s wrong about practically everything. But just like Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb in 1976 was wrong about everything, and yet he’s still a revered acolyte in the eco-zombie movement, just like Algore is. Do you know where Algore’s book is, his sequel book?

He’s at number 23,000 on Amazon. Dr. Roy Spencer, official climatologist here? His book number 87 on Amazon. And his book, it’s an e-book. It’s on Kindle. It’s not even a hardcover, published book, and he’s running rings around Algore’s book, which had a major publisher push. Dr. Spencer’s book basically takes issue with many of the claims made by former vice president and current Apple board member Algore. I appreciate the call, Owen. Thanks very much. I love, love, love the opportunity to set things straight when a very devoted listener to the program doesn’t hear correctly what I said.

I love the opportunity to correct that.

Thank you for giving me that added platform.


RUSH: Dr. Spencer’s book is entitled An Inconvenient Deception. It’s now at number 44 on Amazon. It’s an e-book. I think it’s Kindle only. I’m not even sure. I haven’t checked. Maybe it’s on iBooks on Apple. I haven’t checked yet. But, anyway, Algore’s book — An Inconvenient Sequel, whatever — is at number 23,000 at Amazon; Dr. Spencer’s book is at 44. Folks, move it to number one. It’s not expensive, it’s an e-book, and it dispels all of the (or many of the) claims that Gore makes in his sequel book.


RUSH: Well, it was when he talked about pooping his pants at the White House. You think I should? All right. Maimone didn’t sound enthusiastic. I got everybody scared today. Greetings, my friends. Welcome back. Rush Limbaugh, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have, even though a hurricane is said to be making a dead aim for my house. Telephone number, if you want to be on the program, 800-282-2882. If you want to send an email, have at it, ElRushbo@eibnet.us.

Cookie went back to the Grooveyard of Forgotten Sound Bites, is what we call our archive, to January 6, 2015. So four and a half years ago, this is Al Joker, who has said that my suggesting that weather warnings on the hurricane are fake news is near criminal. I didn’t say the warnings are fake. Anyway, Cookie was offended by that. Cookie is very offended when people lie about me, so she went back to our archives, our Grooveyard of Forgotten Sound Bites, found Al Joker from NBC’s Dateline. It was a report about his gastric bypass surgery and a trip to the White House. It was the chief medical correspondent, Nancy Snyderman, and Al Joker here.

ROKER: When you have a bypass and, you know, your bowel’s been reconstructed, you think you’re pretty safe. And I probably went off and ate something I wasn’t supposed to, and as I’m walking to the pressroom, I gotta pass a little gas here. I’m walking by myself, “Who’s gonna know?” only a little something extra came out.

SNYDERMAN: You pooped in your pants?

ROKER: I pooped my pants. Not horribly, but enough that I knew —

SNYDERMAN: Which is a common side effect of this surgery.

ROKER: Exactly. And so, you know, I was panicking. So I got to the restroom in the pressroom, threw out the underwear, you know, and just went commando.

SNYDERMAN: And what did that tell you?

ROKER: It told me that I’ve gotta be very vigilant as to what I eat.

RUSH: You might want to try being vigilant about what comes out of your mouth, too, Al. For crying out loud, you’re on NBC graphically describing in the White House — (interruption) Wait a minute, Dawn, are you suggesting this had value for gastric bypass? Oh, she feels bad because this happened to him while at the White House. Fine. How many of you tell NBC and a national audience the things that are unfortunate that happened to you as a means of helping others? I would never admit — but, anyway, that’s Al Joker who thinks that I have been behaving in a criminal way by referring to hurricane warnings as fake. I didn’t do that.

Anyway, I thought these people had all forgotten about me. You know, it’s been 30 years, and I’m not on TV, and they don’t know anything that isn’t on TV except I guess they do.


RUSH: Mayor of Miami. His name is Carlos Gimenez. He has held off on evacuating Miami-Dade. Now, the governor of Florida has suggested that a statewide, or at least a south Florida evacuation commence, but the mayor of Miami-Dade has held off.

Now, that fascinates me. He was waiting ’til the 11 a.m. update. The 11 a.m. update has Miami and West Palm Beach essentially direct hits. But he’s held off here. The story is from noon, so it’s after the 11 a.m. hurricane center update. He said the storm’s slowing down, giving us a little bit more time, ’cause it’s not due to hit ’til Saturday night, Sunday morning, so there would still be time to evacuate.

But I think there are other reasons. When you start evacuating people, an area that large, south Florida, that many people, when you start evacuating, you better be damn certain, ’cause there aren’t that many ways out. You’ve got I-95, they call it Florida’s Turnpike, not the Florida turn, but Florida’s with an apostrophe S on there, possessive, Florida’s Turnpike, then you’ve got I-75 or boats and airplanes, that’s about it. And once that starts en masse, not everybody goes. People who do go are vulnerable. They’re leaving all kinds of things and places behind.

So an evacuation order is a very, very serious thing if you’re gonna issue it over that large a population center. So I’m sure he’s waiting for other hurricane tracks. There will be a new one out at five o’clock. I’ll tell you what everybody’s doing. Folks, I’ll tell you what everybody’s doing. You’re following this stuff yourself, you’re doing it too. You’re looking at websites that show you the model runs. Some of them call them spaghetti models or whatever. But there’s so many of them, you have to know which ones the hurricane center finds credible. Not all of them are.

I mean, there are models out there that have this thing doing loops and circles. Some take it into the Gulf of Mexico. It’s just odd. Some take it down to Cuba. You gotta know what to weed out. After 20 years of study, I have deduced a fairly good — it’s not automatic; changes every season — but I have learned to figure out how the hurricane center values which models, which models they follow from storm to storm. One of the models, for example, the GFS, the GFS ensemble. Some storms it’s right on the money. Other storms it’s not even close.

The U.K., the U.K. Met model, which is the U.K. meteorological office, they’ve given it a lot of weight, as Hurricane Harvey, the euro models, the ensembles have been given a lot of weight. So you just have to know which ones to look at. And a bunch of them are clustered anywhere from 30 to 75 miles east of the Florida East Coast. They’re out in the Atlantic and they’ve been there almost from the beginning.

Some of them moved west and clipped the state. Some of them ran up the middle of the state. But for the most part, the cluster of credible models has been either close to the East Coast or offshore by a significant amount. And they’re offshore now on a track similar to last year’s Hurricane Matthew.

And I’m sure a lot of people are waiting to see. And the hurricane track is the furthest west of all of the models other than a few outliers. The hurricane track always lags behind where the models are because the people at the hurricane center have to analyze all that data, figure out whether they agree with it or not. Then they have to weed through what they think is good model data and what isn’t.

So they’re always lagging on purpose. So I guarantee you there’s some people waiting for the five o’clock hurricane center map to see if they move the track further east. They won’t leave the state of Florida in this track. They can’t afford to. Why are you smiling? Does this discussion fascinate you? Here’s the reason the hurricane center cannot. Look, any of this is subject to change. I could be dead wrong about this. But right now that track is right up through Miami, West Palm Beach. That has consequences. It’s got people making mad dashes to grocery stores.

There are people hoarding water and toilet paper and paper towels, whatever. I mean, that track, a dead hit on Miami, West Palm Beach, has consequences. They can’t just move that track in six hours, you know, 80 miles, a hundred miles off coast. They could, if that’s what they really think. But they might have to move it back. We’re still four days out. So I think they have to leave it pretty close to where it is just in case it’s right. Nobody knows if it’s right right now. It’s too far out.

But now that they have put major population centers right in the bull’s-eye, they have to leave it there for a while because of the consequences it’s causing. If they move that track — just a wild guess here — if they move that track 50 miles offshore at five p.m. then you’re gonna have people say, “Wait a minute. What’s going on?” And they’re gonna start questioning it, and the hurricane center can’t afford for people to not believe what their best forecast is. They can’t afford that. So that track is gonna be with us for a while.

I don’t know if the mayor of Miami is doing this. You can’t, if you’re studying this, you can’t miss those models out there. And if you’re in Florida you want those models to be right. Now, those models out there, they take it to South Carolina. Northeast Georgia and southwest South Carolina. But that’s gonna change to. And the track that it’s current on does the same thing. And the models have, once it turns, wherever it is, it’s gonna go due north, most of these models, the credible ones say this.

But I find it fascinating. I think it’s a big story that the mayor of Miami is holding off on the evac since the governor has already asked people to do it. Because it’s still a long way out, four to five days, and still anything can happen. You know, if you remember Harvey, Harvey caught everybody by surprise. I mean, it was out there as a tropical storm in the Gulf, and, yeah, there was some news about it, and then seemingly overnight the thing ramped up and became a Cat 4. And remember when it first became big news, what was the city it was gonna cream? Corpus Christi.

Now, there was some talk that the outer bands could cause flooding in Houston, but Houston was not in the original major discussion point. It was always there in the warning area, but Corpus Christi was in the bull’s-eye. And then look what happened. In less than a day and a half, the whole thing shifts to a focus on Houston because it moved to a certain point and stopped. It was stationary, dumping all of that rain.

The original track never had Houston in it. So that’s why this stuff is incredibly difficult to forecast, including, not just the direction, but the intensity. You know, how low the pressure is, how much rain it’s gonna dump. That all depends on the forward moving speed. And the tracks on Hurricane Harvey, they had it basically doing circles back in the Gulf and coming back to Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi ended up, compared to Houston, with relatively less damage.

Corpus Christi is where the media and others had to fly into to get to Houston or even get close to it. I mean, while Houston was flooded and the rain was coming down, the sun was shining in Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi was where it was forecast to go, and it did, fairly close to that.


RUSH: By the way, I appreciate all of you people that are heading out there on social media correcting these nattering nabobs of negativism that were spreading lies and deceit about me and what I said yesterday on this program. Apparently there’s an army of people out there correcting this stuff, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.

Bunch of loco weeds. They don’t even listen to the program, and they don’t even go to my website. They get most of it from Media Matters and then they rip me, “Oh, my God, oh, my God, I can’t believe, he did it, he did it,” and then they starting writing their brilliant pieces about it without even — you know, this is my point. On the left, there’s no curiosity, there’s no openness, there’s no tolerance. But it’s the lack of curiosity that is the real thing.

I’m curious about everything. I don’t believe anything, very little of anything the first time I see it. And I always try to find out what’s behind it or what it means or what is meant. Some people can’t even write what they intend to say. You gotta read it three or four times before you figure it out. But it’s the lack of curiosity from these people. And it’s all because of their inbred bigotry and bias. They already think whatever it is they think of me, and so when they’re told that I have said anything that causes a knee-jerk reaction.

There’s no curiosity about it. There’s just blanket bigoted acceptance of it, and then they rush to their computers and start typing their enraged outrage responses to it. These are supposedly educated people, supposedly enlightened and very intelligent, broad-minded, and they’re none of those things. The lack of curiosity is the big thing. And as I say, it’s just totally overwhelmed by whatever their biases are.


RUSH: I have an objective media lesson here. Some of you may have heard this about Hurricane Irma. My example here comes from USA Today (shuffling) in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. Here’s the headline. Tell me if you’ve heard this. “Hurricane Irma Is So Strong, it’s Registering on Seismographs.” For those of you in Rio Linda, a seismograph is what measures earthquakes. “Hurricane Irma is so strong it’s showing up on seismometers — equipment designed to measure earthquakes.” Now, this is what is called “media inflation,” because this is not new. This has happened many times.

“‘What we’re seeing in the seismogram are low-pitched hums that gradually become stronger as the hurricane gets closer to the seismometer on the island of Guadeloupe,’ said Stephen Hicks, a seismologist at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.” The hurricane is not creating earthquakes. Earthquakes occur tens of miles deep inside the earth’s crust, a long way from the surface of the ocean. There’s no evidence to suggest that hurricanes and storms directly cause earthquakes. But when they tell you that this baby, “Wow! It is so powerful that it’s showing up on seismographs!” A lot of hurricanes have. This isn’t news! This is precisely my point! Many hurricanes show up on seismographs, but because they’ve said this is the most powerful hurricane ever…

Folks, some of the cyclones that hit Europe run into Taiwan and Japan? Some of those things have been unlike anything we’ve seen. I mean, the Pacific storms that run into Asia are just horrible, have for a long time long before people started to talking about climate change. But now they’ve got this Hurricane Irma out there and it’s the strongest ever, it’s the worst ever. It’s the baddest ever hurricane. “So it follows, since we’ve inflated this hurricane story, let’s add to it. Let’s make people think it’s causing earthquakes in the ocean!” It’s not, and it’s not the first hurricane to show up on a seismograph. But if you don’t know that, this is gonna sound like, “Oh, man, Myrtle, do you believe this? I mean, this has to be worse than anything ever!”

The media says, “Yep! That’s exactly what we want you to think.”


RUSH: So I just went to one of the hurricane modeling pages that I study, and I hit refresh and one model run has changed. There will be… In fact, they all an at 2 PM. So the latest model run should be showing up imminently. But there was one change in the graph I saw: The UKMET model, which is depicted in blue. Not the Euro ENSEMBLE. This is a single model, on the U.K. Meteorological Office. It moved in exact alignment with the National Hurricane Center track forecast. It’s eerie. Now, I don’t know when the UKMET model run happened. It was reported at 1800 Zulu which was two p.m. our time. So that would be 50 minutes ago, less than an hour ago, but it just posted at the place, it’s just, I mean, point for point right where the Hurricane Center track is. Most of the models are still some distance offshore to the east, and we shall continue.

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