RUSH: Let’s go back to CNN last night, but to 1995, the Oklahoma City bombing. Erin Burnett talking to David “Rodham” Gergen, a discussion about Trump’s remarks yesterday condemning the KKK and other hate groups as being insufficient and ill-timed.
RUSH: Now, wait, why doesn’t Bush get any credit for the reaction to 9/11? For crying out loud, Gergen, you guys have to focus on Clinton and the Oklahoma City bombing, and you’re claiming that he profited from a disaster, and he was brilliant at it. Why don’t we just say it as you mean it. Bill Clinton knew how to turn a crisis into personal fortune. Bill Clinton knew how to profit from disasters. Not a sentence, not a syllable of George W. Bush and his bringing the country genuinely together for a couple weeks after 9/11.
No, you have to go back to the media-manufactured Bush failure post-Katrina. Well, what did Clinton do that was so brilliant in 1995 after the Oklahoma City bombing? What was it that the David “Rodham” Gergens and the rest of the Drive-By Media think was just so fabulous? Well, we can play it for you. We can let you hear it. April 24th, 1995, in Minneapolis, the American Association of Community colleges conference. Here is Slick Willie.
RUSH: With that speech, Bill Clinton blamed this program for the Oklahoma City bombing, folks. This is 1995. There is no Fox News yet. There’s not even a Fox News in anybody’s mind. There is this show and some associated new radio talk shows. There’s nothing conservative on television. And the blogosphere is just getting going, the internet, if you will. This show was it. And Clinton had been focused on me calling KMOX in St. Louis on Air Force One to complain that there was nobody to refute me, no truth detector.
And he blames me for the Oklahoma City bombing, and the media loved it ’cause they hated me then like they hate me now. They just ate it up. But we called them on it and the White House put out a statement, “Uh, we weren’t talking about Limbaugh. We were talking about the Michigan militia shortwave broadcasts,” which nobody ever heard. Didn’t even know there was a Michigan militia shortwave network, but that’s what happened, folks. And that’s why they loved him.
RUSH: Hurricane Katrina was just the latest example at the time for the media that they could invent a lie, that Bush screwed up the Katrina response, when in fact it was the fastest mobilization after a disaster in American history at the time. But they found out they could create a lie and run with it, and we’ve been dealing with it ever since.