Artist Praises the Beauty of Rush Revere

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 11,2017

RUSH: This is Angelique in Tucson. Angelique, great to have you.

CALLER: What a joy to be able to speak to you. I am an artist, a classical — I’m a little nervous — I’m sorry — I would like to offer you a gift because you’re always so generous with everybody. And I am a motif painter. I’m from Europe but I am American, proudly. And I love your children’s books, the Rush Revere and the Presidency. I could — I’m sorry, I’m so nervous — I could recommend to grownups to read these beautiful children’s books you made. As an artist I have to compliment the way the book was created and put together.

RUSH: Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.

CALLER: I hope you have a space on your wall because I would like to give you a classical painting like the old masters. That’s the style I’m painting with. I don’t know if I’m allowed to do that. If not, I can send you photos from all my paintings. I’m an artist with a name, but I’m exclusive. I exhibit everywhere in Europe but not here.

RUSH: Well, this sounds like something special. I’ll tell you what, I thought I had one more minute with you than I do. I’m out of time. You didn’t even get to what you wanted to talk about. So give Mr. Snerdley your phone number because I’d like to talk to you next week about what you called about. She’s from Europe and she wants to talk about regulations and how things appear to be changing here and I’m just out of time. But Angelique, thank you. I hope to be able to speak with you next week.

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