
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: So I checked the email during the break, and there was an email that interested me. The guy said, “You know, Rush, you have all these great things — these opinions, these points that you make — and when I try to tell people about them, I forget half of what you said and I don’t remember, and people are just able to destroy me.” I’ve been there, folks. I have been right where you are. I remember back in my younger days, filled with enthusiasm.

Even before I started this program, just my younger days when I worked for the baseball team, I’d see things on the news that I thought were right on the money — or read something, something right on the money — and I would try to tell somebody, and I would remember half of it or 75%. They would ask, “Well, who is the source?” And I would say, “Well, I read it here.” Anyway, they were able to pooh-pooh it.

I understand what’s said on this program every day is voluminous. There’s a way, though, that you need not ever have to encounter that situation. It’s called RushLimbaugh.com, and you don’t even have to become a member. This is not a sales pitch. If you do become a member, you have access to a whole lot of things, like Dittocam, the Rush Limbaugh Show app, The Limbaugh Letter. There is access to archives up the wazoo. It’s the size of an Encyclopedia.

But, if you don’t want to do that, everything… Like the last two segments of the previous half hour — well even the last hour — nuked the New York Times and the Washington Times. It nuked them with facts. It probably made an impression on you. You can’t wait to tell some budding leftist the truth, and you’ll start to and you’ll not remember some of it. You can always circle back to RushLimbaugh.com. It will be right there. The transcript will be right there.

You can print it out and every source link that I cite will also be there for you to click on. So you’ll never have to worry about remembering anything. Just go to… If you’re going to talk to somebody that you know is going to disagree with you or try to trip you up, before you have the conversation, just go to RushLimbaugh.com and read the segment that you heard. It’s all transcribed — and, for the most part, the transcriptions are pretty good. We have to rush it.

We update the program now as things happen. We don’t have to wait until 6:00 p.m. every day to do the whole thing. So, it gets updated as it happens. Just go to RushLimbaugh.com and find the segment (it’s easy because if it happened that day it’s going to be prominently displayed) and read the transcript. If you want, print it out. But every source link that I use to make a point is also there that you can click on as backup.

If you run into, “Well, you know, Limbaugh, he makes things up; Limbaugh just lies,” you can nuke them, folks. It’s right there at RushLimbaugh.com. There’s a reason why the mainstream media doesn’t do this. There’s a reason why the mainstream media purposely avoids it. They never call me to ask what I said. They never call me to ask what I meant by what I said. They never go to RushLimbaugh.com to find out what I said.

And they never go to RushLimbaugh.com to find the links that help me put together what I said. They go to a website that purposely lies about what I said and they report that, because they’re not interested in what I really said. They’re interested in destroying it if it’s true and effective. So, if you constantly or frequently or even infrequently find yourselves or yourself in a conversation with somebody and they totally misunderstand…

Say, for example, this Washington Post story that they ran yesterday, this “blockbuster” that the Norks all of a sudden have 60 miniaturized nuclear warheads. But you heard me say that’s four-year-old news, that it happened in 2013 — and when it happened, Obama was president and nobody did anything about it. You can tell somebody who says, “That’s not true! Limbaugh made it up. That’s what he does. He makes things up.” No, no, no. “He said it. I heard him.”

But you won’t remember the various sources that I cited. So go to www.RushLimbaugh.com and right there it will all be. (interruption) Well, yeah, I started as a disc jockey when I was 16, right. (interruption) Talk show? Like, first real talk show like this? (interruption) It was 1984. (interruption) You’re trying to get how old I was? Well, in 1984, I was 33, and I started when I was 16. So 17 years of radio before I got the chance to do what I really wanted to do the way I wanted to do it. (interruption) Why? What does that matter? (interruption) Not…? (interruption)

Well, no, no, no. (interruption) I’m 16, 17, 20 years old? (interruption) Well, I don’t know about nuking it. Look, the point is no matter how right you are, you’re always going to have people reject it. They don’t want to believe it’s true or… There’s all kinds of personality types. You know how tough persuasion is. How many people do you say the truth to and they say, “Oh, yeah, yeah. I never looked at it that way.” It doesn’t happen very much, right?

They don’t want you to think that you persuaded them. They don’t want you to think that you’re smarter than they are, so they’ll fake it. “That’s not true! That’s a crock.” Or, “I knew that. I heard that. This is nothing new to me.” Whatever. But for those of you who are routinely challenged: RushLimbaugh.com. It’s all going to be there. That’s why I refer to it as almost encyclopedic, in terms of the wealth of knowledge — and it’s accumulated for nearly 30 years.

That’s not how old the website is. There wasn’t a website in ’88, obviously. Do you know when Netscape went public? It was 1995. In fact, this date in 1995 was the Netscape IPO — and that, many people think, is the day that the Internet actually exploded and blew up. Netscape was the first browser and there was another one called Mosaic, if you remember. Those were the two, and Netscape won. That was Jim Clark who now lives down here — and, at one time, had the biggest sailboat in the history of the world.

He’s a commie bastard. I ended up at dinner with him one night and he almost walked out, couldn’t believe he was sitting at the table with me. “Gee whiz. I’m just showing up here with a mutual friend.” Anyway, the Netscape IPO, the people who put it together were expecting it to go for 28 bucks a share. It ended up closing at 50 bucks a share. It just blew the lights out. Many people think that is the actual beginning of the explosion of the Internet reaching everybody.

I mean, the Internet, as Algore invented it, was only for climate scientists to share propaganda. (chuckling) Just kidding. It was the military. The Internet actually was an existing network for military usage, and there were other uses — scholars and other esoteric people things. This date, August 10th, 1995. So my point is in ’88 when we started, there wasn’t a website.

But when we did finally start the website we had much of that, because we were transcribing the program anyway. The amount of data or knowledge — the transcribed record of this program every day — is there. It’s searchable. That’s something that we’re constantly trying to improve: The search engine of the Web page. We have some ways to go on that, I will admit

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