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RUSH: U.S. District Court Judge George Daniels is a Clinton appointee. On Wednesday, he ordered oral arguments to take place on October 18th – for a lawsuit that liberals are bringing against President Trump.

“Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington,”  a liberal hack group, they’re known as CREW. They claim that President Trump’s business ties conflict with the Constitution’s “emoluments clause.” That clause prohibits federal officials from receiving benefits from foreign governments while they’re in office. Now if that clause literally applies, Hillary Clinton outta be in jail. She outta be  locked up for it.

Oral arguments for this case are scheduled for October 18th.  Before taking office, Trump divested himself of his vast business operations, handing them over to his family. The Trump Organization set up a process to identify any profits from foreign sources and donate that income to the U.S. Treasury. So the issue of Trump somehow “profiting” from foreign governments should be moot.

But this lawsuit isn’t really driven by concerns about Trump making money he shouldn’t. And it isn’t certainly not motivated by a desire to follow the Constitution. The fuel for this lawsuit is hate. This and every other court action the libs have files is based on hate. They hate Trump, they hate that he won the election. They hate that they lost the election

And they are trying to win in the courtroom what they can’t win at the ballot box. Problem is, there are a lot of other democrats in court and they wear black robes, and that means it could be tough for Trump.

We hope not. We’ll keep a sharp eye.

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