Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“The Drive-Bys are substituting this North Korea situation for the Russian story as the latest example or the latest opportunity or the latest reason, however you want to characterize it, that they say we have to get rid of Trump.”
• AP: FBI Agents Searched One of Paul Manafort’s Homes
• FOXNews: Trump Has Sent Messages ‘Back and Forth’ with Mueller, Attorney Says
• National Review: Report: Professor Allows Students to Choose Own Grades for ‘Stress Reduction’
• Campus Reform: UGA Prof Drops ‘Stress Reduction Policy’ After Backlash
• Boston Globe: The Biggest Threat to Free Speech? It’s the Left – Niall Ferguson
• Wall Street Journal: FBI Raided Home of Paul Manafort in Money-Laundering Probe
• CNN: McConnell Criticizes Trump’s ‘Excessive Expectations’
• McClatchy: America No Longer Sees Kim Jong Un as a Joke
• Daily Caller: Flashback 1994: Clinton Says His Deal With North Korea Would Make The World Safer
• The Hill: McConnell: We’ll Start Obamacare Repeal on Day One – 12.06.16
• Washington Post: North Korea Now making Missile-Ready Nuclear Weapons, U.S. Analysts Say
• FiveThirtyEight: The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrats – David Wasserman
“The anti-Trumpists, wherever they are, whether they be in the Washington establishment or anywhere, the last thing they want is for an external event to pop up that would allow Trump to behave in such a way to project American power in a way that would unite the American people behind his effort or the cause.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: