The President Never Called the White House a Dump When Proudly Showing It Off to Me

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 2,2017

RUSH: Now, on this White-House-is-a-dump business, I’ve never been to Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. The story is at Trump has reportedly denounced his White House digs, telling members at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club that the White House is “a real dump.” Sports Illustrated has also written the story.

I just can tell you this. I was at the White House, Kathryn and I were at the White House on March 23rd for about five hours. We arrived at five p.m, in time to see a meeting that Trump was having with The Tuesday Group, a group of moderate Republicans in the House. They were trying to push across the line the first House health care bill, which went down the tubes that night. We got the sad details actually at dinner. Priebus and Bannon walked in. It wasn’t over at the time they walked in, but it wasn’t looking good.

Anyway, before we sat down and had dinner, Trump gave us a tour of the White House and the residence. I had been there before, and I didn’t quite know how to handle that. I’ve been there a number of times but I don’t think President Trump knew that. And so when he said, “Rush, have you seen this?” And of course I had, no matter what it was he was showing, I said, “Never with you, sir.” And he remained enthusiastic.

But here’s the point. Wherever we went, particularly in the residence, when he was showing us the Lincoln Bedroom and the hallways, throughout the entire structure, he kept telling us how shocked he was as how luxurious the White House was. Now, the general consensus opinion going around, “Well, hell, look, Trump is a gazillionaire. He lives in a gilded penthouse on Park Avenue or Fifth Avenue. He’s got gold everywhere.” That’s what gilded means, those of you in Rio Linda. And the White House doesn’t have a lot of gold around it, and so forth. So, yeah, somebody with that kind of lifestyle, the White House might appear to be a comedown.

But he didn’t say anything other than how luxurious it was and he pointed it out, pointed out various construction things, the art on the walls, and he explained how presidents get to choose what art they want from the archives. And I made mention of the fact the Lincoln Bedroom looks entirely different than the last time I saw it. When I first was in the Lincoln Bedroom, it was a Lincoln museum in there. It was stunning.

The Lincoln bedroom that I saw back in March, there was nothing in there except the Gettysburg Address that made it anything linked at all to Lincoln. I can tell you why that is. The previous occupant had decorated it that way. The point is Trump never referred to it as a dump. He was proud of it. He kept telling us how luxurious it was and how surprised he was at that.

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