How Feminazis Confused Gender Roles

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 17,2017

RUSH: Joanna is up next from Lafayette, Louisiana. Welcome to the EIB Network. How are you?

CALLER: I’m fine, Rush. But, Rush, I feel like that it’s ridiculous what that former listener said on your show that Trump’s compliment to the French president’s wife made it sound like Trump thinks women are possessions. Women like her, I think, have pushed American men into a place where they’re afraid to compliment women. And who misses out? American women miss out.

I want to tell you a little story. When I was in Italy, I was 40 years old, and four young men in suits got out of a Mercedes-Benz, and they looked at me, and they said, “che bello,” or “how beautiful.” And I appreciated that so much, ’cause I hadn’t heard it in a long time. Because I’ve noticed that when an American man looks at me, and I see him looking at me, he would look away. And I would think, “What’s wrong? Is my hair out of place?” Instead of feeling complimented, I felt like something was wrong.

I think it’s sad. American women miss out because of the way they have made men feel afraid to say things like that. I wish American men, when they see a beautiful woman and they want to say something, I wish they would. And I think that if a woman takes that wrong, then, you know what, that’s her problem; it’s not his problem. It’s her problem. Because that man might miss out on a chance, if he doesn’t tell her, to find the woman, the love of his life.

RUSH: You know, a lot of men don’t know what to do anymore ’cause they’re playing video games in the basement.

CALLER: I know what you mean. It’s just such a shame. You know also, for example, if a man were to say to a woman, “You have a beautiful baby,” okay, does he think babies are possessions? No, of course not. I often tell my young women friends —

RUSH: Let me tell you what they would say about Trump. This is a great example. If Trump says — I’ll tell you exactly what’s gonna happen. Let’s say Trump is overheard telling a woman holding her young baby, “Wow, you have a beautiful baby,” they will say that Trump was thinking about what it took to have the baby and that that’s what he wishes he could do with the woman and that that’s what he was saying.

CALLER: Yeah, you’re right. They’re gonna say anything bad about Trump that they can possibly think of. I believe Trump is a good man. I know he loves this country and he wants to make America a better place for all of us. And I voted for him because I want to see the economy get better. I think that one of the most important things is being able to have jobs for people.

You know, people talk about, oh, the Republicans, they don’t want to help the poor. Well, it’s like that saying, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach him how to fish and you feed him for his life. The Republicans, when they boost the economy with their policies, they’re giving people jobs, and that’s feeding them for their life. But when the Democrats just give people food stamps and whatever and the economy goes down because of their policies, they’re giving them a fish for a day.

RUSH: Or the minimum wage, when they succeed in raising the minimum wage, they put restaurants out of business, 15 of them in Seattle alone. I want to go back to something else that you said about when you notice a man staring at you and you see, he looks away. Why do you think he looks away?

CALLER: Well, I think that the minute — okay, he’s staring at me and I look and I make contact with him, and I think he’s saying, “Oh, no, she knows I’m looking at her,” and he thinks, “I don’t want her to think I’m, you know, being a pervert,” so he looks away. And I think this has been put in American men’s minds by American women, these feminists and stuff. Because see, the sad thing is, I want to say this to all American men. If you’re looking at a woman, and you think she’s beautiful, please at least smile. And even if she makes eye contact with you, please smile.

RUSH: Yeah, but if the guy is married and does it, that’s a whole new set of problems.

CALLER: Well, no. I mean, that’s right. And I’m not saying — that’s wrong. I’m not even talking about that. But I’m talking about single men, and if they look at a woman and they think maybe she’s single, I wish that he would just smile, because I think even a single man and single women, I think even in that instance sometimes they don’t smile.

RUSH: I tell you, there’s no question you’re right about the fact that all of this has confused men about how they’re supposed to behave and what really is at the root of this is that feminists — you know what? The feminazis just didn’t like human nature. They thought it was unkind to them, for one thing, and they just didn’t like it.

So they tried to alter basic human nature, and they succeeded to a point to now where traditional normal behavior modes are questioned and men and women both are now guessing, trying to figure out what they’re supposed to be and how they’re supposed to be, what they’re supposed to say and not to say, in order to not offend or not get in trouble or what have you.

But I got two things. I got a break coming up. Have you ever heard of a feminist writer named Jody Allard? If you haven’t, you’re about to. And for some reason I was watching an old episode of Elementary on CBS Thursday night, and I did a double-take watching the episode. I will explain when we come back. Thank you, Joanna.


RUSH: I’ve never heard of the woman either, so don’t feel bad if you do. Jody Allard. A-L-L-A-R-D. “She might pronounce it Ah-lard. You never know.) The story’s from Ben Shapiro’s website called The Daily Wire, and it’s from late last week when I was gone. Get this now. This woman is a feminist. She is an author and the mother of two sons. Her name is Jody Allard. She “has a habit of shaming her two sons, one of whom she says is suicidal, for simply disagreeing with her, or worse, for simply being male.”

Last week she was writing in some publication called Role Reboot. R-O-L-E. Role Reboot. Now what do you think the hell that is? It’s exactly what I’m talking about. When I say that men and women are confused about the roles they play, I believe… I believe in nature, and I believe the male pursuit of the female is part of the great mystery of life and how it’s necessary for life to perpetuate. Life has one objective: To perpetuate itself, wherever it is. It’s mysterious, and it’s intriguing, and it is fun.

But I don’t think it’s the result of patriarchy or the result of an authoritarian regime dictating the way men and women are or should be. Nature is what it is. It’s one of the reasons for my long-held philosophy that it is actually — in civilized societies — women who really do have much, much power, because it is women who have the power to say “no.” I’m talking about in civilized societies here. I’ve never thought that women… Throw out the vote and that kind of thing politically. But I’m just talking about in the day-to-day working. You gotta exclude Sharia law. You have to exclude religious extremism.

But in this country, women have had more power and influence over the men in their lives than maybe they’ve even be consciously aware of, but it’s been there, and I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Don’t make any false assumptions here. Then feminism comes along, angry about a whole bunch of things — primarily at how nature’s been unkind to them and human nature is something they don’t like — so they seek to alter it. Which means trying to get people to go against what naturally occurs, and this creates…

It’s no different than when you put a camera on a street corner. The very presence of the camera is gonna change what happens there. That’s why reality TV shows have to be written. There’s no such thing as a reality show that isn’t scripted, folks. That’s why the only real video is Candid Camera, where nobody knows it’s there. Because once anybody knows a camera is there, whatever was gonna be doesn’t happen, because you can’t help playing to it. And I think all of these social causes (feminism is just one) creates the same effect on society as a camera on a street corner.

Once you begin a political movement that criticizes men in their natural state and tags them as predators and barbarians, you are going to artificially impact the way men who are aware of that behave. And then you’re gonna have fake. You’re gonna have people trying to behave to type. And since the beginning of time, men have always tried to do what they think women want. At least at some stage of the relationship. Some have gone out and gotten women magazines, turned to the chapters on where to meet men, find out where they’re supposed to be, and go there.

I think that’s one of the greatest lines of all time: “You want to meet a woman? Okay. Go get Vogue, turn to the chapter on where to go to meet men and find out where you’re supposed to be; if it’s a museum, go there. Find out where other women are telling women to meet men and go there.” Anyway, so you implement your feminism, which is based on what? Nothing but pure negatives about men and our society and the country. I’m telling you, you are going to affect… This is why, by the way, the enrollment of men on college campuses in many universities is way, way down.

They don’t want to put up with it. Women’s studies here, women’s studies there, angry protests all over the place. That’s not what it’s supposed to be. Life is not supposed to be a protest march. It’s not. It’s supposed to be fun, intriguing, mysterious — and this takes all of that out. So here we have this babe Jody Allard writing last week in a publication called Role Reboot. “She yet again,” apparently she does this frequently, “shamed her sons for their biology,” meaning male, “and then topped herself by explaining that they are, like every other man, ‘not safe.’

“And by ‘not safe,’ she means prospective rapists. Allard first asserts that while her sons are ‘good boys,’ they aren’t ‘safe boys,’ before bragging about a ‘semi-viral’ essay she wrote for the Washington Post in which she shames her sons for their role in feminist-constructed ‘rape culture’ for merely having penises. ‘My essay went semi-viral, and for the first time my sons encountered my words about them on their friends’ phones, their teachers’ computers, and even overheard them discussed by strangers on a crowded metro bus.

“It was one thing to agree to be written about in relative obscurity, and quite another thing to have my words intrude on their daily lives,’ she explains. Unsurprisingly, her teenage boys,” who she has called “not safe” because they’re “potential rapists,” and “she’s publicly shamed for no other reason than their anatomy, now resent her. One of her sons is even turning to — gasp — conservatism: ‘One of my sons was hurt by my words, although he’s never told me so. He doesn’t understand why I lumped him and his brother together in my essay.

“He sees himself as the “good” one, the one who is sensitive and thoughtful, and who listens instead of reacts. He doesn’t understand that even quiet misogyny is misogyny…'” Her own son is a misogynist! “He doesn’t understand … that not all sexists sound like Twitter trolls. He is angry at me now, although he won’t admit that either, and his anger led him to conservative websites and YouTube channels; places where he can surround himself with righteous indignation against feminists, and tell himself it’s ungrateful women like me who are the problem.'”

How would you like to be this babe’s son? I mean, this is how far gone these people are. These are the kind of women teaching women’s studies — and, of course, men sign up for it because there are girls there. Men will go wherever women are. It doesn’t matter. They’ll take women’s studies and they’ll try to fake like they care about it just to get close. It’s the way of the world!

(interruption) Did you get that audio rolled off yet? (interruption) Well, I heard it. I’ll translate it. I was so profoundly jazzed by this that I rerolled it and I rewound it and I videoed it on my phone just to keep it. So let’s roll it. It’s Elementary. This stars Jonny Lee… Jonny Lee… He’s a British actor. It’s Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu. You know who Lucy Liu is? Yeah, well, she plays Dr. Watson. And this is CBS’ takeoff on the Sherlock Holmes genre. And in this scene Holmes and Watson are pursuing the criminal, and they’ve found her.

It’s a woman, and it’s sort of a play on The Hound of the Baskervilles. The woman has a vicious dog that hates men. Whenever this dog sees men it starts barking and threatens to attack, and only the female owner can get the dog to back down. Sherlock Holmes adroitly discovered this criminal’s partner in crime was a man because when he showed up the dog didn’t bark. Meaning the dog was familiar with the man, which meant the criminal had a partner and they identified who it was. And he, Holmes, is explaining to the criminal how it is he sized her up and caught her.

WATSON: As soon as we made it clear how simple it was to compare his DNA to the blood droplets he left at the captain’s house, he rolled on you. He told us about the bowl you stole and a few other artifacts; how you thought you could get over a million dollars for them.

HOLMES: “How did we think to look for him?” you ask. Well, you have your feminazi hound to thank for that.

RUSH: “Your feminazi hound.” You ought to see the woman’s face. I know she’s an actress. But when Holmes tells her “your feminazi hound gave you away.” “How did we figure it out? Because your feminazi hound.” I’m watching and if I hadn’t had the captioning on, I might not have understood it. I have to watch everything with captioning. I saw this, whoa! So I went and grabbed the phone and I rewound it and I tried to get as close to the TV speakers as I could to get the audio. Were you able to hear feminazi? Okay, that’s cool. That’s all it was.

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