Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“When I saw this, I was jealous. I was jealous that I didn’t do this. The video of Trump body slamming a CNN logo. I said, ‘This is great.’ Trump didn’t do it. He just retweeted it. But it was clever, it was funny, and it illustrated once again that modern-day journalism and modern-day liberalism have zero sense of humor.”
• Breitbart: Exclusive– ‘Gold Standard of Fake News’: Pence Team Destructs False Narrative of Friction Between President, Vice President Staffs
• Breitbart: Fake News: Associated Press Engulfed in CNN-Level Scandal as It Covers Up Invention of Imaginary Pruitt Meeting
• MRCTV: Unfactual: AP Walks Back Several Trump-Russia Stories
• Wall Street Journal: Could Trump Really Be Draining the Swamp?
• Daily Caller: CNN’s Cuomo Scraps Tweet Regarding Reddit
• IBD/TIPP Poll: People Like The Senate Health Bill More Than They Realize
• Washington Examiner: What the Hell Were You Thinking, CNN?
• National Review: No One Emerges from Trump’s Feud with the Media Looking Good
• Daily Caller: Media Horrified After Trump Tweets Video Body-Slamming CNN
• RealClearPolitics: CNN ‘New Day’: CNN Promised Not To Identify Pro-Trump Reddit User If He Apologized; “A Nice Thing”
• Daily Caller: ‘Extremely Unethical’ — CNN Draws Backlash After Threatening To ID Reddit User Behind Trump’s WWE Video
• Circa: CNN is Under Fire for Threatening to Identify the Creator of the Trump Wrestling Video
• Wall Street Journal: Poland Prepares ‘Absolutely Huge’ Welcome for Trump
• New York Times: Aides’ Biggest Worry on Trump’s Europe Trip: A Meeting With Putin
• Weather: 2 Billion Could Become Climate Refugees From Rising Seas by 2100, Study Says
• UK Telegraph: Stephen Hawking says Donald Trump Risks ‘turning Earth into Venus’ with 250 Degree Temperature
• Breitbart: Legacy Media Freak Out After Trump Tweets They Will Be ‘Forced’ to Cover Booming Economy
• NewsBusters: NYT Quietly Corrects Major Falsehood They Helped Spread on Russia Investigation
• Daily Caller: Fixed: An Absurdly Written NYT Correction To A Trump-Russia Story
• UKDM: Bill Gates Warns Open Door Migration Will Overwhelm Europe
“CNN lives in a cocoon, as do all the major media, in which they tell themselves every day that everybody watching agrees with them and that they represent a majority of the people and the thinking in this country. They lie to themselves daily about who their audience is and how large it is and how loyal.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: