Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“The Democrats are starting to turn on each other. Just a trickle. A couple of Democrats are openly beginning to suggest that this focus on whatever did not happen between Trump and Russia is sidetracking the Democrat Party from its great, great mission of sustainability, equality, and transparency.”
• CNN: Four GOP senators say they can’t vote for current Republican health care bill
• The Week: Newt Gingrich reportedly floated banning CNN from press briefings
• Twitter: “Finished reading the Senate HC bill. Put simply: If it passes, it’ll be the greatest policy achievement by a GOP Congress in my lifetime.” -Avik Roy
• UKDM: Another no-camera White House briefing and no Sean Spicer as his deputy speaks to the press but bans cameras
• Gallup: Hillary Clinton Unique With No Post-Election Image Gain
• Washington Examiner: Democrats: Worst May fundraising since 2003
• Bloomberg: Trump Says He Doesn’t Have Tapes of His Conversations With Comey
• The Hill: Special Election Sweep Boosts Trump Agenda
• CNSNews: Trump Takes a Dig at Wind Farms: ‘As the Birds Fall to the Ground’
• Washington Post: Republicans’ Obamacare Repeal Would Be One of the Biggest Cuts to the Social Safety Net in History
• National Review: ‘They Are Never Talking about Issues Like Russia’
• Washington Free Beacon: Gowdy Wonders Why DNC Didn’t Turn Over Hacked Server: ‘There May Be Something They Didn’t Want Law Enforcement to See’
• Washington Examiner: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: FBI, DHS Never Contacted Me About DNC Hack
• UKDM: Transgender Man is Four Months Pregnant with His Second Child (After He Came Off Hormone Treatment to ‘Preserve His Fertility’)
• New York Post: Why Obama’s Presidency Didn’t Lead to Black Progress – Jason Riley
• Washington Post: Single-Payer Health Care Would Have an Astonishingly High Price Tag
• CNN: Democratic Lawmaker: Pelosi is Worse than Trump in Some Areas of the Country
“Okay, folks, Open Line Friday is coming tomorrow. Remember, you can talk about whatever you want to talk about. See you then!”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: