Salena Zito Reports from Coal Country

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 19,2017


RUSH: Salena Zito has a great, great story. She went to coal country. You know, Salena Zito, who writes for a number of publications, in this case the New York Post, she is the writer who went into the suburban and rural areas of Pennsylvania and Ohio and West Virginia in quest of the Trump voters, find out who they were, who they are, why they were voting for Trump. This is all during the primaries and during the campaign. And she found them, she identified them, and she has been spot on in her reporting of them.

Well, it was announced last week that Trump had opened up essentially a new coal mine, for all intents and purposes. It was a new kind of coal mine. It was in coal country. It was gonna create new jobs that would pay 50 to a hundred thousand dollars a year. And it was immediately ripped to shreds.

It was ripped to shreds by the media and the climate change crowd. “This is living in the past. Coal is filthy, it’s dirty.” And it turns out that this coal plant is not even gonna be used for energy. This coal is gonna be used in the manufacture of steel, and you’d be amazed at the number of things in your daily life that have steel in them that you can’t do without. But it’s not the kind of coal that’s gonna be used for energy.

She went to talk to these people that are going to be affected by this. They have not abandoned Trump. They love Trump. They are thrilled that Trump has not forgotten them in terms of the promises he made during the campaign. She goes to places that the Drive-Bys fear to tread. They will not go there. Coal country. She actually talked to the people who work and want to work and voted for Trump. And she found out that they’re just as enthusiastic, they are supportive and grateful Trump came through on his promise regarding coal and the coal industry.

And she found that these people think that what’s been reported about their industry and this particular mine that’s going to be opened up, they’re misinformed, they’re missing the boat on this. And they think they are just as legitimately a part of America as journalists are or anybody else is. They resent being laughed at and made fun of. They resent their industry being portrayed as something archaic and dangerous and polluting and an instrument of climate change and global warming.

She goes out and finds these people. And some of the things about this plant that she uncovered are fascinating. The coal from this mine is not going to be used for energy, as I say. Instead, it’s gonna be used for the production of steel for the next 15 years. I don’t know if you knew this or not. Coal is used to make 70% of the steel in the world today. Here’s a list of places it’s found.

It’s found in cars, bicycles. Oh, my, the health crowd loves bicycles. Bicycles are saving the planet. Bicycles are reducing our carbon footprint. Bicycles are part of the quest for good health. Steel is used to make them, meaning coal is necessary. Steel is used in many different areas of public transportation, which the climate change crowd, they also love public transportation. It’s so cool, it’s so chic. It’s like Europe, trains and buses, and it’s really neato. It’s so cool. And of course it gets you out of your filthy, ugly car, and it eliminates planet destruction, and it also puts everybody together and makes them all behave accordingly. Leftists love that.

Wind turbines. The wind turbines that are part of the wind industry, they’re all made with steel. You couldn’t make them without coal. You think the climate change crowd knows this? Do you think they know that without coal, we wouldn’t have bicycles like we do? We wouldn’t have wind turbines. Medical devices are made with steel. Roads, bridges, appliances, even iPhones and computers all contain steel. This coal plant actually represents modernization. Not a wasteful step back into time.

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