New Rush 24/7 Gift! The Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Anti-Leftist Studies Car Magnet

by Rush Limbaugh - May 30,2017

RUSH: We have a brand-new car magnet that we just produced signifying the change. It’s actually not a change; it’s an upgrade, from advanced conservative studies to advanced anti-leftist studies. I figure after 30 years advanced conservative studies has been solidified here. Everybody knows that.


But it is now expanded to be targeted, so it’s anti-leftist studies. Because I figure, folks, after all these years, it’s not enough just to espouse conservatism and explain it, teach it, define it. There’s a missing component. It has to be presented simultaneously with anti-leftist studies as a contrast rather than as a stand-alone. So that’s all it is.

We got this circular car magnet. It’s suitable for putting on your door, suitable for putting on the back of the trunk or what have you.


RUSH:  The circle car magnet is not for purchase in the EIB Store. It is a premium for new subscribers is what it is. So if you subscribe to RushLimbaugh.com and The Limbaugh Letter, the full boat package — or just Rush 24/7 — then that’s the gift that you get.

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