Judge Napolitano Was Right! The World Was Spying on Donald Trump

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 14,2017

RUSH: And it turns out, folks, I think it turns out here that good old Judge Napolitano was right. Remember when he said that it was a British spy agency that had been digging into Trump and collusion in Russia, and he goes on Fox and announces it, and everybody says, “You’re a nut, Judge. You just made it up. It isn’t true.” Fox suspends him for a while, he comes back. After his suspension he comes back and he keeps repeating it. And I’m saying, “What? Judge, what are you doing here? They just suspended you for this. And now you’re back.” And it turns out it looks like he was right.

“British Spies Were the First to Spot Trump Team’s Leaks with Russia.” And the very group that the judge cited is called GCHQ. That’s the British spy agency said to have alerted U.S. agencies after becoming aware of contacts in 2015. That’s in the U.K. Guardian. What has now been established, the world was spying on Donald Trump. Obama had seen to it after the Brits clued him in I guess is the timeline this story wants to advance. The world was spying on Trump. And even with all of that Hillary couldn’t win. Even with the establishment of the world aligned against Donald Trump and in support of Hillary Clinton, she couldn’t win.

Now, as best I have been able to determine — and I will explain all this as the program unfolds — all of the spying on Trump was not done to prevent him from winning because at the time it was happening nobody thought he would win. They were trying to impress Hillary for when she became president, to be able to say, “Look what we were able to do for you.” It was also something that could be used to further damage any other Republicans that ever wanted to run for president by saying, “Look what they do.” By linking Trump to virtually every Republican.

All this stuff happened — this makes it even more fascinating to me. That all of this intel gathering, all of this spying on Trump took place not to stop him, because they didn’t think he was gonna win. It was all done for other reasons. And among them, to set these people up to be looked upon favorably by Mrs. Clinton and her campaign and then her administration. They never once gave thought to the fact that Trump was going to win.

But the way it ends up here, we know that Obama released intel data gathered by domestic agencies to 16 other intel agencies, including many foreign countries around the world, making sure that whatever was dug up and learned about Trump — and that is another thing. They found nothing. The world was investigating Donald Trump and his collusion with Russia for over a year-and-a-half, and they found nothing.

Believe me, if they would have found it, we would have heard about it in late October when they started to get worried that the NBC tape didn’t take Trump out of the race. If they had found anything, we would have heard it by now. They got zilch, folks, zilch, zero, nada, and yet they won’t give it up.


RUSH: I want to move on to other things here. “British Spies Were First to Spot Trump Team’s Links With Russia.” Exclusive. The GCHQ, GC headquarters said to have alerted U.S. agencies after becoming aware of contacts, Trump and Russia, in 2015. This is what Judge Napolitano was suspended for reporting. The adult Eddie Munster, Andrew Napolitano, he was suspended for it. They brought him back. He kept talking about it. I said, “Why’d they suspend him, then?” It turns out he was right.

The GCHQ is an amalgamation of U.K. spy agencies. They played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to the contacts between members of Trump’s campaign and Russian intelligence operatives. They first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious interactions between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents.

Now, again, this news is being portrayed, “Oh, man, what a bad day for Trump. Oh, my God, he was colluding.” No! There isn’t any evidence of it. This is the whole point. The news is the entire world was spying on Donald Trump, not just Obama. He shared the intel data they collected with 15 or 16 other intel agencies and the U.K. And that story, by the way, is from the U.K. Guardian.

What this means is just about every Western civilization intelligence service was working with Obama. And all of this was to elect Hillary. This is the key, I think, to understanding this. And despite, despite all of this, despite the U.K., the world, Obama, all of these people spying on Trump and desperately trying to find a disqualifying connection, despite all of this, despite the Access Hollywood NBC tape, despite Trump saying what he said, he still won, still beat Hillary Clinton. They still failed to defeat Donald Trump.

And the U.K. Guardian, of course, does not treat it as I just did. What they try to do is what the intel agencies and the deep state have been doing ever since this story began. They have been trying to make it look like there is something there when there isn’t. Folks, for a year and a half the world was spying on Donald Trump, the western world.

Now, we know, we know that they had nothing on Trump because if they had it we’d know about it long before today. If they had something on Trump, they would have revealed it during the campaign. The truth is, even despite this massive intel and spying effort, they found nothing.

So this now kind of raises a question, because during the time they were spying on Trump — let’s be honest about it — during the time we know that Obama was spying now, that FISA application and warrant for Carter Page, that Obama sharing the intel they were gathering with 16 other intel agencies, now the U.K. and their intel agencies have been involved. During this period of time, all of these people thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win.

I think it’s very important for the context of this to remember that during the entirety of the presidential campaign, during the Republican primaries, during the Republican debates, during the general campaign, there was never any doubt that Hillary Clinton was gonna win. The doubt didn’t begin to creep in until late October. But throughout the vast majority of the campaign, they all thought Hillary was in a landslide. They are acting like it, they believed it for a host of reasons. But even while they harbored that belief, they’re spying on Trump.

So why? If you’re not worried that Trump is gonna win, what are you doing here? And by the way, it’s not because you’re trying to gather intel in case he pulls off a surprise and wins. You’re not thinking he’s gonna win. It’s not even a remote possibility that he’s going to win. I’m talking about within the establishment, these intel guys, deep state people, not possible, in their minds. Trump was a reprobate, a loon. Hillary was reason, experience, and had the Democrat machine behind her, Clinton expertise. Not even a possibility.

And yet they’re still doing all this spying. Why’d they think Hillary was gonna win? Well, they believed the Drive-By Media. The Drive-By Media is as much responsible for the shock and dismay the Democrats felt as anybody else ’cause they ran the polling data, the fake polling data. They had Nate Silver out there guaranteeing Hillary 93% chance of winning. They ate it up. They believed it. They kept spying. The Russians had to also think that Hillary was gonna win. And they wanted Hillary to win.

You know what I think the hacking of the DNC computer network was? I think that was to get information to use against her as president. I don’t think they were hacking the DNC to undermine her campaign ’cause I don’t think they even considered for a moment that she would lose. I think they hacked her computer network, the DNC computer — they failed at that with the GOP, but they succeeded — can you imagine what they would have been able to hold over Hillary Clinton with the news that Hillary had cheated against Crazy Bernie?

Can you imagine what the Russians would have been able to do vis-a-vis Hillary with whatever it was they learned in Podesta’s emails? That stuff ends up leaking out anyway. But I think it was collected for use after she became president. So you might say, “Well, then why are they continuing to push this story?” Folks, ’cause they’ve got nothing else. They don’t have anything else to explain why she lost, except that, and that’s important for their voters in 2018 and 2020 to believe that she actually won and had it stolen from her.

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